• Member Since 28th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Aug 23rd, 2022


I enjoy writing dark natured stuff and wish to die buried beneath 1,000,000 pony plushies. I feed off of the dislikes. Also a proud part of the Headless_Rainbow family.

More Blog Posts5

  • 310 weeks
    New post on my sfw account.

    If you’ve not seen it, go take a look. Been working on it for Christmas and got a decent amount done in time as a gift to my boyfriend. Hopefully even if it’s not rape and gore, you may enjoy it https://www.fimfiction.net/story/418571/ice-like-stardust

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  • 369 weeks
    Taking some time off.

    I have recently been getting back into the groove of writing stories and junk but since the other day, there has been a problem. A death in real life has kind of shook things up and it's causing a lot of problems, including writers block. The person in question who sadly passed, I did not know them too well, so this wont be a long lasting period, but I knew them well enough to make a slight

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Taking some time off. · 4:44pm Nov 6th, 2017

I have recently been getting back into the groove of writing stories and junk but since the other day, there has been a problem. A death in real life has kind of shook things up and it's causing a lot of problems, including writers block. The person in question who sadly passed, I did not know them too well, so this wont be a long lasting period, but I knew them well enough to make a slight imprint on my work and mind. I will come back to writing shortly but I do hope some of you out there understand this.

Report Brittywritesponi · 278 views ·
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