• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
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"My age is as a lusty Winter, Frosty but Kindly..." --- William Shakespeare

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  • 303 weeks
    Happy Birthday to Me!

    I've been on this blue rock for over half a century now.

    Still don't know where all the time went!

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My thoughts on the Movie · 8:03am Oct 13th, 2017

Well, I've seen the movie three times now, and I've had time to consider my feelings about it.


Even though there are few reading this that have not yet seen it, I'll start out by saying there will be no spoilers.

At first, I was a bit annoyed with all the songs, but over time I've grown to love them all. This is very much a children's movie, so as such it is aimed at younger audiences, and I'd forgotten that. Even so, there are plenty of jokes older viewers will get, so they're not left out.

It also occurred to me this movie may also be aimed at viewers who may not have actually ever watched the show, so there may have been some confusion. I noticed they didn't go out of their way to introduce any of the regular characters, so I may be wrong about this last point. I tried watching it the second time as someone who didn't know squat about My Little Pony, as say a parent taking their child to see a wholesome cartoon, and I was still pleasantly entertained.

Having watched it that many times, I noticed details that escaped me the first two times, which added to my enjoyment. One detail early on actually moved me to tears, and I was surprised it had somehow escaped my notice before. I'll just say it involved Derpy, or "Muffins" as they have to call her now. Very moving.

I'd also like to give a shout-out to the San Antonio Bronies, the group with whom I saw the movie the first time. I have to admit I was a bit self-conscious seeing it by myself, so it was nice to have a support group. Afterwards, we all went out to a fancy burger place, and the leader, Kyle Smith, hosted a raffle for merchandise. ( I didn't win :( ). I did notice a few people laughing and pointing at us, but there were no other incidents to speak of. I've been a nerd my whole life, so I'm used to people thinking I'm weird. "This is the life I've chosen." I also noticed a little boy, probably around eight years old, who was there with his mother, and his face was beet-red. I overheard his mother telling him it was alright he wanted to see the movie. If it would have helped, I would have said something in the way of reassurance to him, but I didn't think it was a good idea for a grown stranger to talk to him, as I'm not sure it would have helped. I definitely understood what he was going through, for I needed a boost myself.

It was also a shock to find out none but one or two of the group had even heard of FImFiction, for I was under the impression that the vast majority of Bronies were on this site. Live and learn.

All in all, I loved the movie. It was great to see my pony friends up there on the screen, and here's to hoping Hasbro decides to make a sequel.

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