• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2014
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AJ Aficionado

The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.

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It's been awhile. What I've been up to and a promotion for Firesight's Best Story Ever. · 5:23am Sep 21st, 2017

I don't do too much these days on Fimfiction. I'm not gone or anything like that. Just not as active. Still watching all the new MLP when it comes out. Gotta say the second-half of the season has been much much better than the first. That episode with Applejack and her parents? That might be the finest episode of MLP to ever air. Seriously. Ever. :ajsmug: The latest episode, about Rarity's mane of all things, featured a magnificent tribute to the Flower Trio surpassing their appearance in the 100th episode by a country mile.

Oh god... I love them all so much. The 'beetus is going to kill me. Hnnnnnnng! [ded]

Times have been mighty good.

But while I've been mostly — but not entirely as I'll get to later — idle on my own work, I am still working with Firesight on all of his writing projects, writing all manner of silly comments on the google docs and main story, occasionally recommending edits, and just having a good time with the rest of the prereaders. My favorite project in particular you might ask? This!

It's a sequel to another fantastic story of his, but this one takes the cake. It's the ultimate payoff for the piece-setting and character development of the first. Medieval fantasy epic pony war awesomeness between ponies and griffins with new races from canon and fanon, including rarely built upon and one completely new Equestrian species to build on top of the already sprawling universe of Into the Storm which itself was inspired by elements of Demon Eyes Laharl's — peace be upon him — Gentlemanverse.

Friend or not, I think ITS is one of the best stories and concepts I've ever seen and am damn proud to have my name attached to it in any way. You get a great cross between the late Napoleonic Era/War of Movement strategy from World War II combined with the classic "sword and spell" style of fiction from such tales as Lord of The Rings. Colored strategy maps accompany the reader for significant battles, adding a layer of immersion rarely seen in fanfiction, based off of the map of North America. ITS:TFoF is presented in a very documentary-like style with players on both ends of the conflict explaining things as they occurred from their own unique perspective.

And for people who want to see me write something again, good news; I'm going to be guest-writing an upcoming chapter based on an OC I created to join in the war on the pony side. In fact of you're a fan of mine, (do those really exist?) you'll be pleased to know there's a ton of cool stuff based off some of my own headcanon like my interpretation of Thestrals and the to-be-mentioned-later Saddle Arabians. Bottom line: If you like my stuff you need to check out this story. It's breddy gud :DDDDDDDD

So what has my lazy ass done on my own stories? Well I edited chapters 1 and 2 of Foolers Rush In 2.0 and written a 3rd chapter. Not releasing anything until it's all finished I'm afraid. But hey, you got no shortage of other stuff to read. This is Fimfiction: home of the 200+ story read later folder. Foolers Rush In will be completed and it will be far better than any of previous stories — even Fertile Ground. Believe me. It'll be yuge! I have the best people working on it with me.

Well that's all I got for tonight. Cheers!

Comments ( 2 )

And today begins the first round of pre-reader work on FRI!

Thanks for the shout-out!!! :pinkiehappy: And believe me, your edits and commentary are very appreciated. Getting to read them is always a highlight of my chapters. Looking forward very much to your guest chapter on the story! You’ve got great headcanon regarding other races like the thestrals and Saddle Arabians, as you say!

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