• Member Since 31st Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 7th, 2023


Always gonna love Aj. Im just a silly guy. Hope to be friends with anyone who wants to be mine. if not, that's still fine. Just enjoy your life for yourself K?

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  • 189 weeks
    uh, hi there.

    Well...its been a min. hi everyone...Its a pleasure to see you all again, haha.

    the haitus was long, and quite unexpected. I apologize for that. But uh, Ive grown much better and improved in many of my abilties as a writer. So hopefully, i can get back into making stories...anyway, i hope you are all doing well!! and i'll try not to randomly dissappear this time, haha

    1 comments · 306 views
  • 339 weeks
    My birthday was a few days ago

    Apologies everyone. Forgot to say i turned 20 three days ago. -w-. Its been very stressful the past few days. But that's Normal. Hope everyone here is doing okay. I miss you all my friends. *hugs* I'll keep being up to date. And soon i'll finally get started with a job. haha.

    Keep on going everybody! :)

    2 comments · 375 views
  • 346 weeks
    Update, How people see the world.

    Update on me: hello people. my birthday is coming up and im gonna be turning 20 in 2 months. which is soon. But what im here to do is tell you all that my stories.. Yeah. I've practically stopped writing stories. Can't get the enthusiasm or interest to do anymore. I apologize for letting down anybody. Its just that life is getting to be too much, and i can't focus on really making stories at the

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    10 comments · 393 views
  • 367 weeks
    Gonna start fresh

    Im gonna leave all the stories behind me ive been doing, and start a new and fresh with different ideas, and stories that i have in mind instead. I've improved a lot, and feel like it's just for the best for me at this point. ...and im hoping it will work out for me, and all of you as well!

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    1 comments · 435 views
  • 369 weeks
    Rip. Need to do things...

    Jesus life's a pain. Apologies for not being on so much. Life is just annoying. I'll try to be updated with life, and do stories more again soon. Its just complicated rn, SOrry guys and girls! I promise to uh....Be more alive here. Lol.

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Rip. Need to do things... · 2:52am Sep 13th, 2017

Jesus life's a pain. Apologies for not being on so much. Life is just annoying. I'll try to be updated with life, and do stories more again soon. Its just complicated rn, SOrry guys and girls! I promise to uh....Be more alive here. Lol.

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