Brief Friendship Souls Delay · 4:48pm Sep 2nd, 2017
Hello everyone, figured I should provide an announcement on this one since I have tried to keep a fairly regular two-week update schedule for Friendship Souls and people might get curious. Basically due to me being sick for a good chunk of the past week progress on the latest chapter got slowed down considerably, and while I'm working hard on getting it ready it won't be ready today. Currently my hope is to get it finished by Monday or Tuesday, depending on how things go. Apologies for the delay.
Thats cool. Take time to recover
It would seem that you got struck with curse of the mangakas my friend, not even fanfic writers are safe. Luckiley you dont have anyone preasuring you to keep going so just take your time, rest and recover.
No problem at all, don't force yourself to write when you're sick. That's what Kubo did (well WSJ forced him to work) and it was a big part of why the last arc of Bleach was such a poorly executed mess.
Just means I didn't have a chapter to go along with the new episode of Dragon Ball Super which kind of sucks but at least I know the chapter's coming.