• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 23rd, 2023


A thirtysomething Brony from Pennsylvania with a library degree. I also have a Patreon.

More Blog Posts556

  • 316 weeks
    Update (Without excuses this time!)

    Guess what? I'm done writing the next chapter of Manifesto.

    I just need to give my prereaders a day or two to look over it, and then it'll go up.

    Until then, here's Despacito being played on a guzheng.

    8 comments · 831 views
  • 327 weeks
    Hey, everyone.

    I've somehow gotten out of the habit of posting updates. Oops.

    Anyway, you've no doubt noticed that I don't post as often as I once did in the past. This is largely because improvements in my life situation mean I have the wherewithal to engage in hobbies other than writing fanfiction.

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    5 comments · 878 views
  • 350 weeks

    Goodness, it's been a while, hasn't it? You're probably wondering why my pace has slowed down on Manifesto. Well, there are several reasons, but the most relevant one is that I find myself rewriting large swaths of this chapter as I zero in on the best plan for Sunset to take. I'm basically going back and forth between two ideas that can't really be combined into a single one, and for

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    3 comments · 799 views
  • 363 weeks
    New Story Incoming

    In case you missed my last blog post, I'm taking a break from the adventures of Celestia and Daring Do to write the next Petriculture story. At this point it looks like it'll be fairly short -- about two chapters long -- and I recently finished up the first chapter, which will be posted once my prereaders give it a final once-over.

    4 comments · 718 views
  • 367 weeks

    Okay, so here's what's going on with me.

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    4 comments · 901 views

Update · 1:39am Aug 31st, 2017

Okay, so here's what's going on with me.

I'm taking a brief break from The Mystery of the Cipactli Glyph to work on a shorter story. This is largely because I've found that when you feel the need to tell a particular story, it's best not to put off writing it. The good news is that this particular story is the next one in my Petriculture timeline. This isn't going to be a particularly long story; in fact, it's more like an interlude that exists to tell a part of the story that won't really fit into the (admittedly still vague) ideas I have for a full follow up to Transdementia.

I'll give you a few more details when the story is closer to completion.

Comments ( 4 )

Looking forward to it!

Finally, the continue of the great series is here. The wait is almost over.

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