100 Anime clichés · 3:38pm Jul 20th, 2017
One of the most representatives media of Japan, anime has become a worldwide phenomenon thanks to its unique design. However, anime has a lot of clichés that can ponder to our subconscious, no matter the plot, genre or content. This is the Top 100 anime clichés.
Disclaimer: Due to its own nature, some of these clichés may be offensive to some people. This blog post is only made for the purpose of entertaining. Reader discretion is advised.
1. The intro must last at least 1 and a half minute.
2. The last episode doesn’t have the same ending theme.
3. Sponsors are important, mention them every time an episode begins.
4. There’s no limit in how big your eyes can be.
5. If your hair is not of an extravagant color, you’re a weirdo.
6. Women don’t know any other bottom garment other than skirts.
7. Parents are a myth.
8. Ugly people don’t exist... literally.
9. The main character is too hot for the opposite sex for no reason.
10. In the extreme rare case you have parents, they’ll be idiots or always have an excuse for not being with you.
11. Everything can have boobs, independently of race and gender.
12. If she doesn’t have boobs, she’s the flat chest or loli in turn.
13. The tsundere always has pink or blonde hair.
14. Falling off and finishing in suggestive postures is an art.
15. School is only an excuse to use scholar uniforms.
16. The size of your boobs is directly proportional to your intelligence level.
17. Every reanimated plushie is a perv.
18. If you turn on, you can turn into a blood rocket.
19. Lingerie is the least resistant thing in the world.
20. Nobody keeps an eye on the entrance to the rooftop and it’s always available to your disposal.
21. A transformation should last 30 seconds, in which not even God can hurt you.
22. If you’re losing, your enemy has to tell you a complete explanation of why. (Freezer approves it)
23. Boobs have a bounce sound every time they move.
24. Every girl shows a fang at one moment.
25. In a stare contest sparks will appear.
26. During a sex scene, the woman narrates everything like a sport commentator.
27. The candy obsessive girl is cute.
28. What was once a children’s game becomes a race to save the world, the galaxy, the universe or reality as we know it.
29. The childhood friends wants sex with the main character.
30. The protagonist sits at the back of the classroom.
31. The veins of your head can be over your hair.
32. If there’s magic, a girl will use it to expand her breasts.
33. Every cell phone is an IPhone clone.
34. It obstructs, has no purpose and disturbs your sight, but eye patches are cool.
35. Every women wants sex and men are poor unfortunate victims.
36. The protagonists endures a high amount of punches.
37. Your teacher is good looking.
38. There must be an episode located in a watering place, spa or beach to see the girls in bikini.
39. The only school classes that exist are English, gymnastics and cooking.
40. School is only an excuse for scholar festivals.
41. The better looking the dish, the nastier it will taste.
42. The loli has 2 voices: sweet and kind, psychotic and cold.
43. It’s common to see people flying or with animal parts.
44. The main character never has shortage of anything, even if he lives alone and never works. (I want a life like that).
45. The only types of panties that exist are striped, with an animal or with a tie.
46. Speaking with closed eyes is normal.
47. Everyone can be your older sibling.
48. There will always be an old perv.
49. Speaking alone and loudly is normal.
50. Every global threat begins in Japan.
51. The louder you pronounce your attack, the more powerful it will become.
52. Drive, kick and punch are common names for these powerful attacks.
53. The mother is more gorgeous than the daughter.
54. Tentacles+feminine specimen=rape.
55. Every object, animal, beam of light, steam trail and plant is strategically placed for not letting you see.
56. The shy, quiet girl is a perv.
57. You can go to school only on foot or by riding a bike.
58. If you need a false female name, just put the suffix "–ko" at the end, nobody will suspect.
59. No matter your nationality or species, you’ll speak Japanese perfectly.
60. If you get sad, blue lines will cover your face.
61. A love triangle can turn into a love dodecahedron.
62. The main character’s best friend is a perv.
63. Rule 63 for the win.
64. The only existing videogames are dating simulators and RPG’s.
65. The hottest guy is a loser with women.
66. Aliens only arrive in Japan.
67. There won’t be sex... unless it’s a hentai.
68. The dark-skinned girl has lighter hair.
69. Filler is your daily bread.
70. Nobody knocks the door before getting in.
71. School will be near your home.
72. Fanservice.
73. With a simple cut you can turn into a blood fountain.
74. When somebody says something important, blurry shaky lines cover it.
75. The last episode should have a sunset scene.
76. There will always be a bisexual girl with the craze of touching breasts.
77. The ideal killing weapon is a kitchen knife.
78. The protagonist always go to school with another one, preferably a person of the opposite sex.
79. Firearms never run out of ammo.
80. The deeper the voice, the eviler he’ll be.
81. Not even God can mess up with your hairstyle and makeup.
82. It’s impossible to die for a hemorrhage.
83. If you’re losing, to win you have to remember your mother, your father, your siblings, your friends, your dog and even your Nintendo 3DS.
84. You can’t die until you remember all your life and give an emotional speech, no matter how bad your condition is.
85. No matter how strong the enemy is, you’ll be stronger at the end. (Goku approves it)
86. No matter the distance between you and the enemy, both can hear each other well without the need of raising your voices.
87. When something important or shocking happens, the action should be repeated in three different camera angles.
88. There will always be a cat, maid and dominatrix cosplay.
89. No matter your complexion, you can jump up to 3 miles.
90. The dialogue previous to the battle is longer than the battle itself. (Freezer approves it)
91. Skin hair is a myth.
92. When you propose to somebody, something will happen that will interrupt you.
93. If you cover with your arms, nothing will hurt you.
94. If something shines or pumps up, it will explode.
95. A city can be destroyed today and being rebuild tomorrow.
96. What a beautiful couple! It's a shame they got together with someone else.
97. When the man with the glasses says something important, his glasses will shine mysteriously.
98. If something seems ridiculous, you will get a drop of water on your head.
99. The protagonist can eat everything in large amounts.
100. Japan references here and there.
What do you think? Is there any cliché I have missed? Let me know in the comments.
This is great.
This is perfect, the only thing would be with #97. It's not just when saying something important, any and every anime character who has glasses, whether it be villain o hero has a glasses shinning moment (or moments) replacing the eyes with either a smile, smirk, or gin on their face.