• Member Since 17th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Lifelong Nerd. Lifelong practical Catholic and firm believer that an egg is an egg. Amateur fanfiction auteur elsewhere and maker of YouTube videos.

More Blog Posts188

  • 299 weeks
    Guess who's back...

    Guess who's back, back again
    Marius’ back, tell a friend
    Guess who's back, guess who's back?
    Guess who's back, guess who's back?
    Guess who's back, guess who's back?
    Guess who's back?

    Now this looks like the time for me
    So everybody just follow me
    'Cause we need My Little Pony fics I see
    'Cause it feels so empty without me

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    4 comments · 842 views
  • 373 weeks
    Special Announcement/Rant Concerning MariusIoannesp Reviews

    Greetings my Brony Brethren!

    I’m sure you’re all waiting with baited breath for my reviews of the Equestria Girls specials Dance Magic, Movie Magic, and Mirror Magic...

    Oh, who am I kidding?! None of you are waiting for my reviews of anything! Well, maybe one of you, but whatever.

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    2 comments · 1,017 views
  • 376 weeks
    Mariusioannesp Reviews: "Not Asking for Trouble"

    WARNING!!! The following contains SPOILERS for MLP’s mid-season finale “Not Asking for Trouble”.

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    0 comments · 995 views
  • 377 weeks
    Mariusioannesp Reviews: "A Royal Problem"

    WARNING!!! The following contains SPOILERS for the latest MLP episode “A Royal Problem”.

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    0 comments · 1,757 views
  • 378 weeks
    Mariusioannesp Reviews: "Honest Apple"

    WARNING!!! The following contains SPOILERS for the latest MLP episode “Honest Apple”.

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    0 comments · 1,255 views

Special Announcement/Rant Concerning MariusIoannesp Reviews · 2:44am Jul 16th, 2017

Greetings my Brony Brethren!

I’m sure you’re all waiting with baited breath for my reviews of the Equestria Girls specials Dance Magic, Movie Magic, and Mirror Magic...

Oh, who am I kidding?! None of you are waiting for my reviews of anything! Well, maybe one of you, but whatever.

The following announcement is one I kind of have mixed feelings about. I feel kind of bad, but since I’ve decided this, I just feel relieved about it. I think you can see where I’m going with this.

It is with some sadness that I must announce that I will no longer continue to write my review blogs of MLP.

I know. I know hearing that probably upsets… none of you. That is exactly why I’m no longer writing reviews. Well, it’s one reason. There are others.

I could simply blame this on my hectic home life, but it’s more than that.

Writing these blogs has become an obsession for me.

That may seem melodramatic, but it’s true. Since the end of Season 5, I pretty much spend the whole week in between episodes working on these reviews. During the MLP season, they pretty much become the only thing I think about in between episodes of MLP. I spend most of week between everything else I have to do agonizing on how to write an entertaining and informative recap filled with clever observations, funny jokes, appropriate gifs, and references to Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events that the one guy I thought would notice failed to. I have considered dropping the recap altogether instead of stopping entirely, but as I was conceptualizing a review of Dance Magic, it suddenly came to me what to write in the recap, followed by the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach of having to write the darn thing. The only way to break an obsession such as this is just to go cold turkey, and that’s what I’ve done. Since I’ve decided this all that anxiety has gone away in case you were worried.

Now this level of obsession is all well and good if I was churning out something people were interested in. It has become apparent to me that no one is interested in what I have to say. My last three blogs have no comments on them as well as many other recent ones. The rest have one comment all from the same guy. (And I really do appreciate that, but it’s too much stress to do just possibly for one interested person.) Frankly, I haven’t had more than one comment that wasn’t me replying since last March. Now admittedly, taking a week to put out said blogs probably has something to do with it. But if it was something people really wanted, they would wait and comment. I also suspect people are unwilling to read them because they’re needlessly long. Removing the recap probably would have helped, but as I previously mentioned, I somehow cannot bring myself to do so.

The most important reason I’ve come to this decision though is the nature of this site. Fimfiction.net is a fanfiction site that happens to have a blogging feature. It’s primarily for reading and writing fanfiction. That’s primarily what I came here to do. However, dedicating so much time and effort to these blogs has made it difficult to do either, especially writing. During the MLP season, I’m just writing these blogs all week. And in the off season, I’m so exhausted from blogging, I’m never in the mood to write anything. I have too much of a one-track mind to try to juggle writing two different things at the same time. I hope now that I don’t have to worry about these blogs, I might get back into writing that fanfiction I’ve been working on for the past like two years. I just need to find another editor. It’s really writing fanfiction that matters here. I still get followers these days from the story “Snowy Night” that I wrote years ago. Perhaps when I put out some more writing and garner a lot more followers, then I might do some more blogging here.

But this won’t be the end of me talking about MLP. Not that most of you care. I know one of you probably does though. But anyway, I want to get back to making Youtube videos. That’s another thing haven’t been able to do since I got so wrapped up in these blogs. I intend to make some videos about MLP as there’s still enough of a pony community there to garner some attention to things. I might make a video about the Equestria Girls specials soon and “The Perfect Pair” when Season 7 starts back up again in August. Plus, I can also cover the much wider variety of topics I’m interested in. Like MCU films like Spider-Man: Homecoming or shows like Star vs The Forces of Evil and Once Upon A Time. I have a few hang ups in that regard too though. I like to prepare a full script, I’m a perfectionist when it comes to editing, and I wish I had a better, higher quality camera. I’m hoping to get over this by trying to do more off the cuff videos using my iPhone 6. I just got an adapter for attaching it to a tripod so now I’m good to go hopefully. If anyone’s interested (though I highly doubt it), you can check out my Youtube channel MariusIoannesP.

Well, that’s pretty much it I guess. I’ll be back at some point with stuff, probably Youtube videos on MLP. And eventually, I’ll have a story ready too. So, this isn’t goodbye. It’s more like an until next time.

Until next time then.

God bless you all. God bless America. And God bless Equestria.

Report MariusIoannesP · 1,017 views · #reviews #recaps #rant
Comments ( 2 )

Sorry to see you hit burnout like this. But I completely understand. I mean, you know that I understand given what happened with my Doctor Whooves series (I'm still working on the summary so don't worry about that). I also feel the same way about blogging. Even though my reviews were never as detailed as yours, I've begun to hit burnout on them too. Honestly, I think after this year's Christmas Special I'll stop reviewing Doctor Who. And I might even stop reviewing MLP after this season. At least on a weekly basis.

Like you, hardly anyone comments on my blogs anymore (especially my Doctor Who blogs) aside from the occasional commenter here and there. I don't want to sound like some attention whore but I do miss the days when I got a fair amount of views and comments on my blogs. I always loved hearing what others had to say and sometimes starting a further conversation. Without that, the drive to continue reviewing just feels hollow. I can't help but feel that it's mostly due to me stepping away from writing fanfiction. As you said, this is a fanfiction site that happens to have a blogging feature. It was never really made for full-time blog reviews or anything of that nature.

I was interested.

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