• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Friday


I write second-person sensual fiction featuring you and your favourite ponies. If there's anything you'd like to know, just ask, I'm always happy to answer questions!

More Blog Posts109

  • 297 weeks
    Regarding "Student Counsel"

    DWK's gonna have a frickin' field day with this one, isn't he? :P

    3 comments · 740 views
  • 304 weeks
    MLP Episode 200 - My spoiler-free thoughts.

    Best episode. 'Nuff said.

    7 comments · 498 views
  • 305 weeks
    Sonata Fic Updated

    We're getting very close to the best chapter, folks, very close indeed!

    1 comments · 520 views
  • 313 weeks
    So. The news broke.


    I guess we had a good run, right?

    Personally, the saddest thing is we won't see Tempest Shadow again. I was kinda hoping she'd return for the next movie, unless they somehow squeeze her in for an episode.

    16 comments · 620 views
  • 313 weeks
    Sonata Fic: An Early Release!?

    To celerate Valentine's Day (or the last five minutes of it, according to my GMT Timezone) I thought I'd release the first few chapters of the Sonata Fic that I was working on, just to show that I'm still kicking, and to give those interested something to read post-Valentine's.

    More of it to come in the coming weeks!


    0 comments · 372 views

Photobucket exodus: part one · 1:44am Jul 10th, 2017

So, as some of you are aware, Photobucket hasn't worked on this site for a while.

As such, I've taken it upon myself to remake the older images in my older fics, and update them accordingly.

I have completely remade the images in my first two ever fics: Spreading Your Wings and Hers and Even Kindness needs Kindness. If you've ever wanted to check in on those fics for old time's sake, now is the perfect time to do so. (Not just for nostalgia's sake, but also because I need to know if there are any issues with the images showing this time around!)

If the images work for you guys on those two fics, I will endeavour to update all of my other fics with images of similar quality in the near future.

Take a peek at the very least, and let me know what you all think!


Comments ( 3 )

The images load fine for me. :twilightsmile:

Isn’t it a good thing that your first stories are still very much readable?

Most writers wish theirs never again saw the light of day. :twilightblush:


Saving the epubs for posterity in case image hosting fails again.

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