• Member Since 20th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen May 23rd, 2019

Ink Well Inks Well

Just a eighteen year old kid who can't write for crap and has the annoying habit of clinging to semi-obscure ships... Mostly Discopie.

More Blog Posts19

  • 394 weeks
    Deleted The Last Chapter of "Visiting Chaos"

    I was never really happy with it in any way and I need to do some major rewrites. It's still up in the air whether or not I will be continuing this project and I have everything backed up somewhere but some of the chapters I have I'm really really unhappy with and might want to delete, tweak or completely rewrite before I continue the story, if I do that.

    4 comments · 409 views
  • 422 weeks

    In case any of you have been wondering if I have any projects that I'm working on that aren't fanart-- I do! I actually hope to pitch my own cartoon someday, and for one of my final semester projects in art schoo, I put together an animatic!
    It's rough and not that good, but enjoy!

    0 comments · 343 views
  • 422 weeks
    *Bender Voice* I'M BACK BABY!

    ... Probably.
    So! What's happened since I last updated Visiting Chaos? (And since my last blog post?)
    Um. A lot.
    I mean some good things! I started college, (School of the Art Institute of Chicago, whoop whoop!,) I turned nineteen, I got a dog and I got a boyfriend! That's all really cool!

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    2 comments · 686 views
  • 463 weeks
    Art Dump!

    I just wanna show off my art because why not. Some of it is fanart, some of it is from my own personal project for my college portfolio, which is about a robot doctor named Holter who is awful at his job.
    Lots of Bob's Burgers stuff, mostly, a lil MLP, some Moral Orel, a Butters Stotch and some shameless Fry/Bender at the end because why not.

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    0 comments · 327 views
  • 465 weeks
    It's Been a While....

    Hey Fimfiction!
    Been a while since you've heard from me, and I figured it was only fair to you all to understand why I've been so slow with updates.
    In two days, it'll be a year anniversary since my heart surgery. The year since then has been... well, wild.

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    4 comments · 337 views

Deleted The Last Chapter of "Visiting Chaos" · 12:33pm Jul 3rd, 2017

I was never really happy with it in any way and I need to do some major rewrites. It's still up in the air whether or not I will be continuing this project and I have everything backed up somewhere but some of the chapters I have I'm really really unhappy with and might want to delete, tweak or completely rewrite before I continue the story, if I do that.

Report Ink Well Inks Well · 409 views · Story: Visiting Chaos ·
Comments ( 4 )

Please, Please, PLEASE don't delete this story, I love how you have Pinkie take in Screwball as her daughter, I would hate to see such a wonderful story get deleted.

I agree with the other comment. You still have people tracking this project that want to read it. I understand if you feel like you need to refresh/rewrite it. But please keep working on it. I'm happy to wait as long as you need to revise the portions you aren't happy with.

Though I'd like you keep working in the story, it's your decision in the end.

I patiently await the continuation of this story:pinkiesmile::heart:

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