Deleted The Last Chapter of "Visiting Chaos" · 12:33pm Jul 3rd, 2017
I was never really happy with it in any way and I need to do some major rewrites. It's still up in the air whether or not I will be continuing this project and I have everything backed up somewhere but some of the chapters I have I'm really really unhappy with and might want to delete, tweak or completely rewrite before I continue the story, if I do that.
Please, Please, PLEASE don't delete this story, I love how you have Pinkie take in Screwball as her daughter, I would hate to see such a wonderful story get deleted.
I agree with the other comment. You still have people tracking this project that want to read it. I understand if you feel like you need to refresh/rewrite it. But please keep working on it. I'm happy to wait as long as you need to revise the portions you aren't happy with.
Though I'd like you keep working in the story, it's your decision in the end.
I patiently await the continuation of this story