House chores, watching the babe, and posting a chapter · 9:49pm Jun 30th, 2017
Did it all today. Now that I’m on days, I get to be daddy on the days m’ wife works and I don’’s nice to have the kiddo. Rinsed out and filled up wading pool for her. Had to slay mosquito larvae, and did so with enthusiasm. Hate the sodding buggers. Anyways, the kiddo wandered around the side of the fence, then screamed and returned to me in tears, demanding to be held. I could not find a sting welt, but after she was in the pool for a little while, the inside of her right foot looked reddened. Still can’t find a sting welt. Sure hope this doesn’t lead to an allergy later in life....
Also got the vacuuming done. Not sure why m’ wife had such an issue getting any chore done with the babe...pretty sure I might be able to get things like the dishes through, too. But m’ wife didn’t do any chores on the days she had to watch the babe.
And I also finished a chapter and posted it...Rarity Gets Caught has only the one chapter left...maybe an epilogue.
In all fairness, I had plenty of interruptions in anything I was doing that wasn’t immediately revolving around her. Had to keep her out of rooms she wasn’t allowed in, and put things back, and get her off the coffee table, etc., all many times apiece. Still though.
Anyways, about Rarity Gets Caught...left it on a heck of a cliffhanger. There is one last major hurdle to reach a happy ending...but it ain’t looking good.
Next project on the slate...the sequel to Eleven...part three of the trilogy. Meant to get to this a bloody year ago, but responsibilities. This whole being a grown-up thing stinks.
You'll pull through, I'm certain of it. Hang in there.