going home take 2 · 10:24am Jun 18th, 2017
Ehem... Anyways like to say sorry for going off the handle there.. I can sometimes rattle a few screws loose sure you all understand that we all do it from time to time. Truth is im not a happy person, far from it. I always feel miserable but i can't talk to anyone being i guess it comes off as im just being an asshole. I guess i just keep it bottled up to the point blow up when something just sets me off, i guess i just wish i had someone who could hear me vent before pointing on flaws in my rant and im sure there are plenty of problems with my view point everyone has em. But anyways to those who took time to even read that last post adn i thinkit was like 7 lol.. Sorry I really do try to be that nice guy every one likes but i slip up just once and get angry over something i feel is worth it people see that scratch in my personality and are suddenly like oh hes just a dick. It's fine if thats how people are or can be really don't bug me much, id rather just bite my tongue and just tuck my tail in most cases and think horrible things about them till i just say screw it and let it go. Not sure if thats healthy or not but in my case more likely not. I honestly don't know how to vent in a healthy way, don't know f im just screwed up in the head i guess i just don't have friends who would hear me out. Because of that ive already been in the hospital a few times due to stupidity and a knife.. Anyways this is looking like another vent so ill leave it here. Again to those who talk to me at all im sorry to bother you all with this stuff just felt i should say something worth while and apologise about my last post.
Anyways take care, ps Kudz if you see this once im back in missouri if i have time id like to travel up to meet ya and scar.
take care man.