In Four Months · 7:24am Jun 17th, 2017
Sorry ive been away for awhile, mostly due to work and not really feeling up to getting on and reading anything. Anyways In about 4 months hopefully this october ill be moving back to missouri. My aunt is helping my mother and i get back up there and is giving us one of her houses she used to rent out free of charge. All we have to do is take care of the house and pay the utilities. Honestly moving out where im at now is a huge mistake, there is nothing here but ungrateful people though i will say not all of them are horrible assholes. At least half the people who come in work for a living and bust their hump. The others are either Illegals or people who think living off the government is best. Not singling any race out here, a percentage of the whites are just as fucking lazy thinking they don't need to work either and spreading the meth bullshit around as well. Im just tired of the area, there is nothing here other than dairy farms, gas stations, and the smell of cow piss and shit the wind blows in every damn day. don't like saying i hate others and as they say every race has their assholes, bullshits and over all trash so i could careless what you are, im just tired of people in general here. I know its not going to be any different any place i go but ive been here too long in an area i never grew up in i guess just bitching to bitch. But if all things work out ill be out of here and back to an area im used to.. a family friend said he would bring his truck down and help load us up and move us back so at least we wont be putting out much for bills i guess. Anyways take my words for what you will, I try to be a nice person but it seems the nicer you are the more people step on you and use your good nature to take a shit on you when they have no more need for ya. Tired of being mr nice guy guess ill have to be asshole now..
Just done dealing with a bunch of bullshit sorry for unloading on you all here.