A Realization of Some (An Examination of FiM Writers)[Role Reversal Finished) · 7:42pm Jun 15th, 2017
Alright, so bear with me.
Back when I started writing, I was just getting out of Highschool and just starting college. College was community college and I was taking it part time and had a part time job. I had a butt-load of time I could use to do anything and occupied a lot of my time with writing stories.
First was Love Triangles and Other Funny Shapes, then within I think like, a 3-4 month period, came Healing Dash, Candy Sutra, and Freudian Slip around there too.
Around that time, writing was at an okay pace.
Then, I got into actual college, got a job and had to balance a lot of things. Needless to say, writing took a hit.
And now, I am out of college and have a full time job.
So, this is what I have realized: I am not alone.
A lot of other FiM writers are in the same boat as me, starting out writing this stuff when we first got into the fandom around a young age, started maturing and getting on with our lives and now find ourselves trying to balance work, life, love, our own personal happiness and the hobby we devote so much time and energy to.
I wonder how many other writers out there are in the same boat as I am? Working 40 hours a week, getting two days off that are nowhere near each other and then sitting down at the computer with motivation, but no energy or creativity to speak of?
It also reminds me of the guy who runs the Goblins webcomic and the guy who does Corruption of Champions/Trials in Tainted Space. They both decided to go "Hey, give me money and I'll just do this!" and they got a Patreon set up and now make a shit ton of money off of it.
Like seriously, look at this guy.
It's a porn game, sure, but he makes close to 30,000 dollars a month.
I understand it's popular, but at the same time I can't help but feel envious.
If you're a creative soul, you can end up making nothing on your work or make enough money to live happily ever after. But at the same time, the one making nothing can have the more fulfilling purpose while the other can long for more freedom.
I'm rambling now, so how about an update?
I finished Role Reversal, a long goddamned work in the making and am happy to finally see it finished. I took it and My Saving Grace as commission work to help pay for medical bills at the time, and here we are years later. It's what's made me very introspective as of late.
Like, seriously. I've been sitting on that story for so long and would have been able to get it done so much faster had I simply had a week out of every month to just work on it. But between going to college, having a couple mental breakdowns, finding new work and now getting things together to make a move to another state, my writings keep getting pushed further and further to the back.
And I don't like that.
I'm not going to virtue signal and say what I'm planning to get a pat on the head, but I've got a few ideas to try and take back what I love.
Until then, I'll be finish up My Saving Grace here at some point in the future, hopefully quicker.
My two days off are next to each other, but other than that, I'm in largely the same boat as you. I say largely because my job has some long lulls of not much to do, so I can at least read here, but writing on a phone is a miserable experience. It's proving a tricky balance at best.
Life is silly.
I might not have a job yet, As I am still in the "Young Writers" term, but I do catch myself wondering how I am going to continue on this website when i do have a job or two (maybe three, who knows?) I know how it feels to try to balance your life, as sometimes I spend about an hour thinking about that, since I'm going to get a job soon.
That's why they say time is money. Most people experience the dilemma of balancing interests and responsibilities at some point.
Oi lad I'm in the same boat, but don't worry. Just take a pint or two and let the pain wash away. 🍻