• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2014
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Baal Bunny

Part of the AugieDog family of companies

More Blog Posts52

  • 2 weeks
    "Collaborators" De-Ponyfied

    My Daring Do and Ahuizotl short story "Collaborators":

    Has a new temporary home, if anyone's interested.

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  • 11 weeks
    Two Poems and a Story

    The one poem that's free to read:

    Is actually seasonal, too!

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  • 177 weeks
    Semi-Original Fiction


    Back in Feb. 2020, I wrote a story for one of the "original fiction" Writeoffs that nonetheless had some Pony content. It was a slightly unusual situation all around.

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  • 197 weeks
    Another Rewritten "Writeoff" Poem

    Back in November:

    The 176th Writeoff contest was for poetry and had as its prompt "Can It Be Salvaged?"

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  • 211 weeks
    Seasonally Appropriate Content

    From October 2016 through October 2017:

    I participated in every weekly contest at Poetry Nook. Of the 52 poems I entered during that time, I won the contest once and got four "honorable mentions." One of those was for the following, the poem I entered Christmas week of 2016.


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As I Keep Saying... · 1:11am Jun 15th, 2017

More Blueblood:

Will be along eventually. I've had half the next chapter of "Noblesse Oblige" written for two months now, but I got sucked into last month's "original fiction" round of the Writeoff and am now devoting this month to "Strawberry Serenade," a story for Jake the Army Guy's "obscure shipping" contest where I try to pair up Strawberry Sunrise with Braeburn.

Apparently, I have the attention span of a toddler....

But July, though! July, I'm hoping, will see me wrap up "Noblesse Oblige" a mere six months after I started it for another round of the Writeoff. Unless something else comes along, no doubt. :facehoof:


Report Baal Bunny · 343 views · Story: Noblesse Oblige ·
Comments ( 6 )

More Blueblood sounds nice! I want to see what happens once he comes to Ponyville. I want to see what is expected of him once he comes to Ponyville.

On that note, who do you think would make an attractive match for a Blueblood more in line with the fop he only plays in your story? Maybe not quite so aggravating, but still with obvious, glaring flaws? The upcoming episode got me thinking, and a funny little idea came of.

a story for Jake the Army Guy's "obscure shipping" contest where I try to pair up Strawberry Sunrise with Braeburn.

Awesome! That's considerably more obscure than the ship I'm attempting to write for the contest… plus you seem to be much further along in the actual writing process :twilightblush:


Upcoming episode?

I haven't been keeping up on the previews--is there a Blueblood appearence scheduled for after the mid-season hiatus?


As soon as I saw:

The contest's theme, I knew who I had to write about. Sunrise was just such a wonderful breath of sour air in "Honest Apple." :pinkiehappy:


Well, no. Unfortunately. Spoilers ahead for the upcoming episode:
Pinkie plays ambassador to the Yaks. It's rather cute, especially her interactions with Prince Rutherford. That made me think about him coming to Ponyville again, this time to court the Nice Pink Pony who helped his people. Only, he has no idea how Yak should go about that. So, what if he met up with another prince? Maybe they even have Princess Ember of the dragons join too. Thorax is also an option. Oh, and Discord, who considers himself a prince at the very least, being a spirit of chaos and all, and really pony royalty is kind of a downgrade for him thank you very much.
Blueblood would be the most 'normal' out of these misfits. He's the only one who is actually a pony himself. I found the picture of all these strange royals, none of whom have the slightest idea how to properly engage a mare (or male dragon raised by one) kind of funny. In that setup, Rutherford wants to be with Pinkie, Ember crushes on Spike, Discord is attracted to either Fluttershy and/or Twilight Sparkle. Thorax, I don't know yet, the same with Blueblood. What do you think about the situation? Whom do you think a foppish Blueblood would try to go for? I'm tempted to say 'Rainbow Dash' for some reason. :trollestia:



Well, I enjoyed pairing Blueblood with Dash during "In Their Highnesses' Clandestine Corps" and its sequel, but there, I was going with the idea that Blueblood was actually the James Bond of the pony world. In the scenario you outlined here, my immediate thought was "Blueblood is attracted to Thorax almost entirely due to Thorax's color scheme," but I don't know if you'd want to go there. It also seems to me you could drag Shining Armor into the whole thing since he's technically a prince now... :twilightsheepish:


True, but that one's also taken. Although, he could step on as a more sane chaperone. Cadance could send him there for it. So much romance in one place demands involvement by the Princess of Shipping Love!
Okay, maybe Cadance has never been called that officially, but I'm sure Princess Crystalcandyheartbutt can multitask.

Hah, that ThoraxBlood idea! Yeah, Thorax is difficult too. The person he's closest to is Spike. Next is probably Starlight, whom I admittedly have difficulty shipping with anyone who isn't Sunburst. Unless he's already taken.

And with Blueblood, the one most fitting is probably Rarity of all ponies. I don't like scenarios where he comes crawling to her and pleads forgiveness. Not because he shouldn't, but because it doesn't really fit what we've seen. Grudgingly, under protest is more likely; acting like a gentlecolt but without any real enthusiam, until Rarity tells him she'd rather not be with somepony who feels forced to become something they don't want to be.

Of course I could always cheat and say he's a closeted Wonderbolts fan...

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