• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I write emo romance stories about Spike, listen to music that should have died with MySpace and play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. That's about it.

More Blog Posts310

  • 37 weeks
    Remember Obscure Spike Shippings?

    Remember when obscure Spike shippings that were met with middling reviews and a lot of confused interest popped out of this account like every few months?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    Remember Spike stories that felt like they could have an entire pop-punk album written based on them?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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    10 comments · 365 views
  • 207 weeks
    Writing Questionnaire Trend

    Hey everyone!

    So, a few other authors have been doing a little question/answer thing in regards to writing via their blogs, so I figured I'd hop on board. Read elow if you want to learn more about me and my writing.

    Let's do it!

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    15 comments · 870 views
  • 208 weeks
    My Friend is Taking Commissions

    Hey there!

    This is just a quick blog that serves two purposes:

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    4 comments · 573 views
  • 212 weeks
    Would You Consider a Santa Hat? (2020)

    Hey everyone!

    Look, 2020 has SUCKED for most people. That being said, I think it's high time we start spreading holiday cheer a little early this year!

    If you would like, why don't we all have some good old jinglemas fun by popping a cute little Santa hat on our avatars? It's quite simple to do and it adds a bit of color and festive-ness to our accounts!

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    24 comments · 568 views
  • 214 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest Panel

    Hey guys!

    Just a quick blog to say that I'll be hosting a panel at Ponyville Ciderfest online this year!

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    9 comments · 590 views

Famous and Seven - Q&A!! · 10:48pm Jun 14th, 2017

Heyo, guys!

So, Seventh Heaven decided to drive up from Florida and hang out with me at my place for a couple days. Awesomesauce, right?

(Left: Me; Right: Seventh Heaven)

Anyway, for fun, we're doing a Q&A! Ask any questions you can possibly think of, anything goes, and we'll post a video responding to all of them tomorrow!

Have a great night and give us some crazy things to respond to.


Report FamousLastWords · 437 views · #Q&A
Comments ( 14 )

Okay, I have to ask, what is your favorite story either of you have ever wrote?

Since you appear to be old enough for them, what are you broskies' favorite brewskies?

What got you into MLP and why especially Spike (Famous)

Why have I not heard from you guys in a literal forever? I missed you <3

First Question: Am I the only one who finds it weird seeing FamousLastWords together with a guy with "Heaven" in his name?

Second Question: I want to be a proffesional bubble blower. I think bubble blowing is the most competitive of sports and that it should be an olympic event. Just imagine: a dozen guys, in a room together -- blowing.

Will you two be on my bubble blowing team? (The Blow Jobs)

Third Question: Will you be reading from the Q&A going down? Becuase if than, start from my first question.

both of you: if you two were interested in the same sex, unsure if you two are straight or whatever classification, would you sleep with one another? your fans have to know this for science reasons.

famous: would you think you would be doing pony fan fiction if it wasn't for spike being your driving force to be awesome?

heaven: have you tried to miss with famous in any way, especially since you are visiting him right now.

Least favorite kind of fics? And this goes to both of you. There are many many kind of shitty fics around (fix-it fics, self inserts, etc.), but what is the worst one? Don't be afraid to rant :3

What is your favorite kind of stories to read?

1. How does it feel to not have the third stooge (me) along for the ride?

2. What is the one thing an author can do that will make you stop reading their story the fastest?

3. Is Bohemian Rhapsody a great song, or is it a great song?

4. Seconding what TheMouthOfMush said. Would you two make babies with each other in a haunted cemetery?

1) Can I have the succ?

2) Dustin, the Eagles will beat the raiders on Christmas?

3) Seven, my dood, when is the next chapter of Roseluck's Realization be out?

Side note: once again Dustin, thanks for the help on my FlashDash story

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