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  • Saturday
    Today's Delay Brought to You By Hacking Cough

    When it comes to fanfiction delays, accept no substitutes than the genuine, phlegm filled coughs and Nyquil induced comas from the same cold virus that brought you smash hits dry and sore throats and wheezing. In all seriousness, I am sorry to say it but the past week my progress on the next chapter has been slowed by a cold. I'm feeling better as of the weekend, but that means making up for lost

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  • 7 weeks
    Friendship Souls Chapter Next Week

    Hey folks, just letting everyone know I'm going to be taking another week on this next chapter for Friendship Souls. Ended up pulling a muscle in my back this last week that has made doing anything physical, even just sitting bent over a laptop or bluetooth keyboard a serious pain. While its healing up well enough, this still heavily slowed any progress I could make on writing. Let this be a

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  • 11 weeks
    Friendship Souls on Monday

    Hey folks, going to go ahead and take an extra couple of days on the next chapter. Its not quite where I want it to be at the moment, feel like there's more I can do to flesh it out with another day or two to work at it. As always, thanks for you patience, and hope you all have a good weekend.

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  • 17 weeks
    Friendship Souls on Wednesday

    Hello folks, just giving you all a heads up that due to a bit of a personal issue that's cropped up this past week I'm going to need a few extra days to finish up the next chapter. Nothing super serious, just unexpected happenings in real life demanding my attention, so no worries, just need a bit longer to complete this chapter. Anyhow, hope you folks have a good weekend and as always thank you

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  • 26 weeks
    Friendship Souls chapter next week.

    Hello folks. Unfortunately my work schedule the past couple of weeks has slowed down my writing a fair amount. With luck, the work burden will ease in the coming weeks, and I can play a bit of catch up. As such, the current chapter is about halfway done, but should be done by next Saturday. As always I appreciate you folks' patience.

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Friendship Souls New Cover Art! · 5:26pm Jun 12th, 2017

So a little while ago I asked about finding artists to do a new cover art for Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls, and many of you offered up suggestions, for which I'm grateful.

As it turned out among those who're fans of the story there was one person willing to volunteer their time and effort to do exactly that, and I couldn't be more thankfull or happier with the results. Feather Book spent a lot of time on this, sketching out the characters one by one and doing their best to get the details of the characters down, while also putting in some of his own creative spins that I fully approve of. I think the final result looks pretty good.

We've got all of the main crew of the story represented here, with Sunset and the girls sporting their powers on full display. While this may be a tad spoilery for a cover image, I think it's also the kind of thing that might entice potential new readers to wonder just what's up with those snazzy new forms and shows what kind of anime inspired crossover this is. I mean, c'mon, how many cover arts for stories show Sunset with a rockin' flaming broadsword?

There's also a few nice little details here that you got to look close to spot, like the broken soul-chain coming off of Adagio's chest, which I think is a nice touch.

Overall Feather Book, I know I said it plenty of times during this whole process, but thanks a thousand times over for putting forth the time and effort to create this image. You should be proud. :twilightsmile:

Report thatguyvex · 419 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

It was a lot of fun to make. I'm glad you like it. :twilightsmile:

This is pretty rad. Great work.

I new pic looks good and all, but unfortunately you were right about the cover image being spoilery in that I just started reading a couple of days ago and and only just finished chapter 5. Hell, I think I put the story on my Read-Later-List back when it was Sunset and Twilight with a black background and am only now reading it so I guess it's my fault for being spoiled :facehoof: :rainbowlaugh:. Sunset's shikai looks good, her western style longsword with that shield with her cutie mark look amazing. For the other characters, I think I know what your going for for them (Pinkie Pie looks god damn terrifying :twilightoops:) except for Fluttershy and Twilight. I assume that by Twilight's white clothing that your going to go down the hinted Quincy route, but I can't tell if that's a bow she's using. I've only seen the anime so I don't know to much about how the Quincies were expanded on in the later chapters of the manga. So far I'm enjoying the story and I like the twist from the source material by having the Soul Society actually want to train Sunset :twilightsmile: :twistnerd:. Anyway, I would suggest posting the old cover arts when you post the new one so that people can easily compare the two.

4569701 I'm sorry that it spoiled things for you, but there are so many more spoilers that I left out, so you need not worry. :twilightsheepish:

Besides, don't you want to see what it all means now. :unsuresweetie:

4569878 I dunno, Pinkie Pie makes me want to hide under my bed while I whimper in fear:pinkiecrazy:... Anyway, good job on the cover art, and I look forward to seeing what's the deal is with everyone's powers. :twilightsmile:

Its a bit rough here and there but it still looks great, you did a good job. I always had a hard time picturing the girls looks but after seeing this my vision is clear.

I feel like this story should have some kind of un-official opening. I think this would fit well

That's a really good song, and it's fitting. I remember that Bleach fanmade opening for the final manga arc used it to, and the song's got this nice upbeat feel to it I like. :twilightsmile:

Ah yes, the fan-made series by Retro Ryno, i knew there was no way you havent heard about it. Altough its a bit strange nobody commented on it when i posted it here on fimfic when it came out on Youtube.
Anyway, after i re-watched it like...30 times i was like: "wait a minute...this would fit perfectly with Friendship Souls!!" and after that i just started replacing everyone with EQG characters from the story.

Its an impressive piece of fan animation and its both a joy and kind of melancholic to watch because I know how low the chances are of the anime ever making a comeback. Which is a shame because Bleach's final arc, for all its issues, has some pretty good scenes that would look beautiful fully animated. The song itself is a nice fit for Friendship Souls, and I can totally see how the theme would fit an opening for the fic if such was ever made. Just the scene of Ichigo walking to school with his friends is easy to mentally see Sunset and the rest of the girls in their place.

Not sure if you know about these so ill just leave them here.

Even if its not offical we still have the fan content to enjoy. Best example is your story, its in my personal top 5 for sure.

I actually hadn't seen those, and they were pretty awesome. It's good to just know that there's people out there who still appreciate Bleach. Makes me wish that those novels being written over in Japan right now would get an English translation, but I'm probably going to have to settle for fan translations of those ones too.

Wow, im glad i could provide you with at least something in return for your efforts of the story your giving to us.
This is what i love about fanbases, if you miss out on something than someone else is gonna share it with you.
And regarding the novels, they are waaaay to popular not to get a translation. People (mostly on Youtube) already started reviewing and just talking about them, im sure its not gonna be long until we get more from them.

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