• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday


Editor of several Trixie writers while doing his own stories when possible. Fun Times. Tips are appreciated, but no pressure.

More Blog Posts38

  • 192 weeks
    Really should pay more attention sometimes.


    I am sporadic at looking at Equestria Daily. I regret never knowing this happened, or that I was on it. :twilightblush:

    2 comments · 387 views
  • 199 weeks
    Stupid Thought.

    Cozy Glow was sending letters to Tartarus...how did anyone not notice that!? How did no pony read over the letter before hand to make sure it was okay for some twelve year old to be sending letters to Tirek in the first place? How did she get the address to Tartarus!? Why does it even have a address you can look up!? :twilightangry2:

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    3 comments · 330 views
  • 250 weeks
    Still up there?

    I am quite surprised, Horror Flick is still on the main page four days later and on a Saturday to boot. It is now dropping and being beaten by a story involving a, and I quote from the description 'Big Tiddy Goth Babe'.

    I am okay with this.

    Just wanted to thank everyone who read and enjoyed it. Been awhile since I did more than editing and happy to see my work is still well liked.

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    1 comments · 454 views
  • 358 weeks
    About 1/2 way done now.

    Just a small update on my existence for those wondering. Still here, but I kind of got caught up in things with real life and also lost the interest to write for a bit, which is annoying because I was ecstatic at all the new follows Complex Apartments brought in. :pinkiehappy:

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    5 comments · 856 views
  • 363 weeks
    Movie Time Approaches!

    Huzzah! Finally! After months of avoiding Derpiboroo spoilers and ignoring trailers and every spoiler plausible on Equestria Daily the time is approaching! Tomorrow I shall see this movie and be able to stop worrying about having the movie ruined.

    What I know so far:

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    1 comments · 523 views

Do I ask too much? · 1:57pm May 26th, 2017

Just a little ramble. One Way Ticket will be updated a little later today. Hopes and Follies efforts continue to meet...odd issues.

I don't know, I've dated several artists and graphic designers in the past, so maybe I am just spoiled, but usually when they agreed to a job, even if they took awhile to get to it, they kept their clients in the loop. If someone is willing to pay you to do something, and you agree, communication is key. Even if it is just a weekly "I'm still working on x, but I'll get back to you later", that's fine. It keeps the client from thinking you've forgotten about them. Or even having a page that shows the artists commission orders that you update as each commission is done so clients can look up where they are on the list.

It's been a week and a half and nothing from my artist for the cover art, despite me sending them a little poke several days ago. That, combined with that story writer disappearing on me, and my secondary pre-reader not getting back to me in over a week and a half has just made me wonder if I expect too much from people. I dunno, prereader's I understand more. Life happens, and it's not like they are being paid, so I get it. Enthusiasm for looking something over can wane as they realize they aren't really that interested in pre-reading things. But the minute you start requesting money for something, you are a professional. Act like it. Communicate with your clients! Give updates so they do not think they are forgotten, or being ignored. Not sure if I need to find another artist at the moment, or if mine is just bad at the business side of their business. :ajbemused:

That's all for now. Started college, so updates and chapters may be a little haphazard for a little, but I am still feeling very interested in writing more, so I don't expect to disappear for months again. :pinkiehappy:

Report Phaoray · 464 views · Story: One Way Ticket ·
Comments ( 3 )

Don't worry mate, you can use my art. I made this just now and you can have it. I think we can agree it's some fine piece of art.
On a serious note, wait for next week and if they don't respond find someone esle, but keep in mind that they might have some irl problems that prevent them from responding.

Well I could offer you cover art you have seen my work. But I have to say that the upcoming months I will be rather busy with rl issues, including a 4 week long vacation across the ocean. Yes that's right I'm going to spend my Holiday in America in state of Florida. ^^

Well, no, you're not expecting too much out of people you've paid to do things for you. Like you said, unpaid volunteers such as pre-readers are a different story. If you've taken money, though, you'd better do it in a reasonable time-frame or give the money back.

It's worth pointing out that not every random person on the internet will live up to even reasonable expectations, though.

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