Rekindling my anime love · 6:25pm May 16th, 2017
I kinda have a new frame of mind on life. Just went to my latest doctor's appointment, and things are looking good. I'm even back in the gym full time (with a lot of lost ground, but thems the breaks!) and running again.
I'm finding myself rekindling my anime love. Once I was all about that Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece. Gundam and DBZ were my go to choices, but now I am discovering some AWESOME new shows. Girls und Panzer is so good, omg I am addicted it is so good. Arpeggio of Blue Steel, gaaaaah wtf why didn't I watch you sooner. Haruna is the best thing ever. Samurai Jack is back, AAAAASSAAAAAGJNCFDJOCXGJ, it's so freaking gooooooooood!
I also tried Black Butler, but I didn't like it. I'm not to be dissuaded though, I'm enjoying these new shows a lot. What good shows are suggestable to someone who hasn't been in the scene for about a decade.
I recommend one punch man and kill la kill if you have time. They're both great but short animes.
'Overlord' and 'Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou' are my recommendations.![:moustache:](
4535007 I watched those in the hospital! OPM is legit what did the rekindling!!
4535030 Overlord looks kickass