Oh, joy! It's that time of the day again where 'Techie begins to lose his sane mental functionality and begins to overthink everything! · 3:38am May 16th, 2017
What if the reason why Celestia and Luna "raise the Sun and Moon" is because the planet that they live on is orbiting a White Dwarf star, and was originally tidally locked? If that was so, then Celestia would have to "raise the sun", or in this case, force the planet to rotate using nothing but sheer magical strength.
But what about the moon, you ask?
Well, if a planet is orbiting so close to a star as to become tidally locked, it'd be very hard for any natural satellites to gain a perfectly stable orbit, and that's where Luna comes in. When she "raises the moon", she's simply casting an extremely long-range spell similar to that of a typical levitation spell, and forcing the moon to accelerate just enough to retain a semi-stable orbit until the next time Luna needs to give it a shove.
That's... uh... not exactly how astrophysics works. A+ for effort, though.
4534461 Ah'm gonna astrophysics the crap out of this and use it in a story!
Surprisingly, I'm going through the same thing.... but going insane about Pinkie and the 4th Wall Again
4534498 Good luck breaking the laws of physics!
4534909 But alternate universe... I CAN MAKE MY OWN LAW!
That... actually makes sense... in a weird sciency way. I'll just stick to a theory of they have multiple moons, like the Elder Scrolls franchise and multiple suns... and every day/night cycle is one moon or sun out of like several. And if it had multiple moons like Nirn (even though Nirn only had two, Masser and Secunda, PS Nirn is the planet that Tamriel is on, which is where the Elder Scrolls series takes place) then that would explain magic... FANFIC IDEA!!!