• Member Since 30th May, 2012
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More Blog Posts81

  • Saturday
    Today's Delay Brought to You By Hacking Cough

    When it comes to fanfiction delays, accept no substitutes than the genuine, phlegm filled coughs and Nyquil induced comas from the same cold virus that brought you smash hits dry and sore throats and wheezing. In all seriousness, I am sorry to say it but the past week my progress on the next chapter has been slowed by a cold. I'm feeling better as of the weekend, but that means making up for lost

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  • 7 weeks
    Friendship Souls Chapter Next Week

    Hey folks, just letting everyone know I'm going to be taking another week on this next chapter for Friendship Souls. Ended up pulling a muscle in my back this last week that has made doing anything physical, even just sitting bent over a laptop or bluetooth keyboard a serious pain. While its healing up well enough, this still heavily slowed any progress I could make on writing. Let this be a

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  • 11 weeks
    Friendship Souls on Monday

    Hey folks, going to go ahead and take an extra couple of days on the next chapter. Its not quite where I want it to be at the moment, feel like there's more I can do to flesh it out with another day or two to work at it. As always, thanks for you patience, and hope you all have a good weekend.

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  • 17 weeks
    Friendship Souls on Wednesday

    Hello folks, just giving you all a heads up that due to a bit of a personal issue that's cropped up this past week I'm going to need a few extra days to finish up the next chapter. Nothing super serious, just unexpected happenings in real life demanding my attention, so no worries, just need a bit longer to complete this chapter. Anyhow, hope you folks have a good weekend and as always thank you

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  • 26 weeks
    Friendship Souls chapter next week.

    Hello folks. Unfortunately my work schedule the past couple of weeks has slowed down my writing a fair amount. With luck, the work burden will ease in the coming weeks, and I can play a bit of catch up. As such, the current chapter is about halfway done, but should be done by next Saturday. As always I appreciate you folks' patience.

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FoE May sidefic poll, and a question for you guys. · 1:10am May 11th, 2017

First off, for those who are into Fallout Equestria and haven't checked it out yet, the May sidefic poll on the FoE subreddit is up and could probably use a few more responses. Fortuitous given Infinite Potential just updated, a new and up and coming sidefic if ever I saw one. So maybe check it out, and if you like what you see, give it a vote in the poll! And, you know, if you happen to like Trigger to Tomorrow as well if you guys feel like giving it some love.

Now on the question I wanted to ask. Does anyone out there happen to know a decent artist who could do Equestria Girls styled art and is open to commissions? I'm looking into getting some real cover art for Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls, but am having trouble finding an artist who does EQG stuff. Most artists are fully focused on the pony, and who can blame them, but I need me some horse girls of the colorfully human variety this time around.

Report thatguyvex · 312 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

My suggestion would be check out Derpibooru's commission list. There's likely to be some decent artists in there. Otherwise Carnifex does cute EQG stuff. He's on tumblr and such.

Awesome, thanks for the advice. :twilightsmile:

4528028 No problem :) Ruirik on fimfic might be worth looking up too. He mostly does pony afaik but may do EQG too.

I personally only know one artist who takes commissions, but his style is a bit different from the norm. I recommend as Themaskedferret said to search around on Derpibooru etc. for others.

But it just so happens that I was working on some fan art for Friendship Souls the other day. Although, I'm nowhere near as good as someone you could commission, so I seriously recommend just searching Derpibooru, DeviantArt, Tumbler, etc, for artists who take them.

But once I've finished my fan art, feel free to use it in any way you wish :twilightsmile:
Here's a preview:

Eh, Trigger to Tomorrow is such an awesome and well-thought-out story that I feel it is my obligation to vote for it! You have my unlimited and unconditional support!

*notice me senpai!*

Eeeeeeeee! :pinkiehappy: Sorry I can't help it, I'm always floored and humbled whenever I see that someone's taken valuable free time out of their day to do any kind of fanart for one of my fics. Thank you! :twilightsmile:

I'll definitely be searching diligently for someone to commission. Right now my two biggest hurdles is the fact that there aren't as many people who do Equestria Girls style stuff versus ponies, and because I do want the cover art to at least cover the central cast that's a bare minimum of eight to ten characters. Ideally we're talking Sunset, the HumaneFive, SciTwi, and Adagio. Clover and Discord I'd like to have on there as well given their importance to the plot, especially early on, but given that most artists do commissions that charge per character, they're more optional than the other eight.

Like, I checked out the Carnifex guy that Themaskedferret mentioned, and they definitely do great artwork, but at the price listed getting the cover art done would be pricey a bit beyond my budget.

Still, I'll keep looking, and once again thanks for drawing such a cool pic of Sunset. Puts a huge grin on my face.

Heheh, well consider yourself noticed, and thanks a lot for the vote! Also like I said in the blog post, I highly recommend Infinite Potential as well. Its pretty good, with a very different kind of protagonist from my story, so if you're looking for an interesting change of pace its worth a look.

Jup, I already began to read that one too. I don't know if that's such a good idea however, given that I have still over 400 chapters in my "to read" file... xD

4529064, you're in luck. That's what I was planning to do all along :twilightsheepish:

Although it will take quite a while, and I cannot really start on it for another week. Free time isn't something I have right now. I do still recommend finding someone better then me, but as you said, it's normally charged per character so it will be expensive. Still, I want to draw this just because I enjoy your story so much and want to say thank you :pinkiehappy:

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