• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
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Valiant Charge

Why do we fight? To protect home and family, to preserve balance and bring harmony. The true question is not why we fight but rather "What is worth fighting for?"

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  • 2 weeks
    Slight Delay

    Due to some much needed house rennovations, updates will be rather slow. Thank you for your patience.

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    Easter Special

    Villain or not, Twitch looks FABULOUS!!

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    New ship: Jazzrock!

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    kudos to you Hitch!!

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Story Preview 2 · 10:54am May 9th, 2017

"No! Please, no!!" The first officer shrieked as he was forced on his knees before Wulfric.

"Please? No?" The chieftain mocked his prisoners cries for mercy before kicking him into the mud.

"How many women said that as you raped them? How many wives, daughters and sisters cried for mercy while you ravaged them like a beast?!?"

Comments ( 5 )

"Burn, Maim, Kill them all!

You know, many Germans during WWII who ran the Death Camps that weren't Nazis said the same thing and we all know how that turned out.

That dick will get no mercy since he showed none to any females.

4526014 not fun being on the receiving end is it?

4526317 No it is not my good sir.

The caribou are lucky they aren't facing mobile dolls from Gundam Wing or the Hammer drones as they can't be converted and only exist to wage war.

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