Juggling and Low Dex Builds · 8:45pm May 6th, 2017
I never was too great at juggling, especially when it came to stories. I didn't expect Their Very Own Suns to pick up as well as it did, but I'm going to be sure to give it more attention because of it. I'm gonna try a simple system of story updates to keep both of them rolling and keep me accountable; just gonna alternate which story gets updated one chapter at a time.
The next chapter of Human Nature ought to be up later today, and Their Very Own Suns should update next week, and so on and so forth in that order. For those following the latter, I don't have much written down after the coming chapter outside of the outline, but I'm going to get to work on fixing that.
Thanks for all the support, guys! Hope you enjoy,
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Good luck my friend