Checking In · 11:00am Apr 26th, 2017
Hey, everyone. I know my writing pace has slowed down recently, but there's a good reason, and that reason is Persona 5. I just want to reassure everyone that I am making progress on The Mystery of the Cipactli Glyph, albeit at a much slower pace. I'm not sure when my regular writing schedule will resume (P5 is a very long game, and I intend to do a New Game Plus), but I am quite confident that it will eventually pick up again.
You go ahead and play Persona 5, go right on ahead!
I've heard only good things about P5. Having never played a Persona game, most of them didn't make any sense, but they sounded positive, at least.
Note to self, I really need to get around to trying the Persona series some time.
Glad to hear you're going to write more again. So, I forget, did I already ask if the story title is a reference to Mystery of the Amigara Fault?
4537634 - No, it's not really a reference to anything.