• Member Since 21st Nov, 2012
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A big fan of cartoon ponies and an even bigger fan of cartoon humans with pony names.

More Blog Posts5

  • 397 weeks
    "Signs of Life"

    ...could've been an even more interesting episode than the 100th episode we did actually get.

    Nevermind, just wanted to start in a wacky way.

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    3 comments · 466 views
  • 427 weeks
    So, as promised, mah plans!

    To be honest, for a couple days I just forgot that I was going to make this blog post :twilightblush:

    Aaaanyway. "Infected With Your Magic" ended on a sequel hook, and I do already have the basis of Cinch's next adventure (a proper adventure this time - returning to Equestria) in my head, but it's not as clear as the first two stories, so I'll need some time to sit on it.

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    4 comments · 422 views
  • 427 weeks
    In case anyone missed the sequel to "She's Awful"

    I apologize to my followers and everyone who's been already aware of the sequel to "She's Awful" for a redundant blog post, but I figured there oughta be at least a small number of people who read the first story, added it to some sort of tracking/favorite bookshelf (which, if I understand correctly, makes you receive

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    5 comments · 555 views
  • 463 weeks
    A better Cinch story than mine!

    Everyone go check out "Agitate the System" if you haven't already! :raritystarry: It's a great little one-shot that is much better than my story at making Cinch seem sympathetic, which was my original goal with my story before I got sidetracked and shifted the focus. :twilightblush: So in a way that story is what I failed to do,

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    2 comments · 579 views
  • 472 weeks
    Regarding a sequel to "She's Awful"

    So, quite a large proportion of the commens to the story seem to indicate people wanting a sequel. Whether or not it is because they feel that "She's Awful" didn't do enough with the character of Cinch or just want more of her interactions with Equestrian sensibilities. :raritywink:

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    40 comments · 693 views

"Signs of Life" · 8:17pm Apr 21st, 2017

...could've been an even more interesting episode than the 100th episode we did actually get.

Nevermind, just wanted to start in a wacky way.

So one or two of you may know that I have been intending to add a little bonus chapter to "Infected With Your Magic" for a while now. Really, the idea formed shortly after "Legends of Everfree" came out (that should tell you how outdated it will be). Well, between work, sleep and games I finally scrapped some seconds and now the preliminary version of this chapter is in the hands of my original proofreader (who helped a lot with both of my Cinch stories).

I don't feel a particularly strong need to make excuses for why one short chapter takes me more than half a year, partly because I don't think people really care too much (there's enough to read on this site!), and partly because of another reason I forgot as I was typing the first one. But I'll make a token attempt anyway: basically, my work has been leaving me pretty exhausted, mostly due to my own stubborn dedication to walking to and from work on foot, as well as sleeping about half the time a normal person needs. That, and I just wasn't feeling particularly inspired at any point because a lot of other stuff has been occupying my thoughts.

Anyway, I feel like I finally managed to wrap this stupid little bonus chapter just neatly enough to justify its publishing, so it should go up any month now (that proofreader fellow is also very busy! Some of you might remember how long "IWYM" took, and I WAS actually writing much faster back then). I'll make another short blog post when it does purely for the sake of announcement.

And finally, managing to get over this hurdle gave me some of the old inspiration (as well as the realization that waiting for it is just counter-productive), so I'll be resuming and quickening work on the two planned stories I had mentioned before, the more relevant of the two (by far) being one about how the Sirens tried to fit in with the Shadowbolts during the events of "IWYM".

P.S. since I apparently can't not talk about this everywhere, I'm just going to attach an unrelated opinion of mine: Starlight Glimmer is a great character. I wonder if I have any Glimhaters in my followers? I'd be glad to bounce opinions in the comment section.

Report Superbowl · 466 views · Story: Infected With Your Magic ·
Comments ( 3 )

That first sentence is kind of debatable, considering how interesting the episode already is.

Starlight Glimmer is a great character

Yes, yes she is.
She started off as best villain, then became best pony by the end of season 6.

4504815 True, but wouldn't it have been even more interesting if the episode was about, say, space exploration? Or, alternatively, someone creating a Frankenstein's monster? With all the background pony stuff still there somehow.

Also, I loved Starlight's character throughout the entirety of season 6 (starting right with the premiere with all of her signs of childhood trauma and social awkwardness), but I didn't think she had been one of the best villains. I think I still like Discord and Chrysalis a tad more as villains. Anyway, good userpic :P

4505445 Maybe, but how that would have been worked into the canon at the time would likely have been too comicated.

Chrysalis, for me, only became second best villain after the season 6 finale.
As for Discord, i never really liked him that much as a villain.
And thank you.

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