• Member Since 28th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2018


time to get off this furry boat

More Blog Posts71

  • 361 weeks
    action is coming

    new story soon

    i have seen de wae

    6 comments · 770 views
  • 376 weeks

    people are wierd

    life is wierd

    shits just wack

    someone wake me up from this fucking dream

    11 comments · 619 views
  • 383 weeks
    i will write! ...tomorrow

    imma gunna do it

    i mean it this time

    fo real


    ...in other news, dreadnought is pretty tits

    the betas been pretty enjoyable despite lacking a campaign

    piloting battleships is pretty neat eh

    Read More

    3 comments · 597 views
  • 396 weeks
    to be lazy or not be lazy

    one of these days ill actually get back to writing

    just probably not today

    or this week

    actually this month is bad for me

    next year sounds good


    5 comments · 536 views
  • 401 weeks
    im being oppressed


    the mods

    they're coming for me

    hide me pls

    12 comments · 701 views

im being oppressed · 11:59pm Apr 4th, 2017


the mods

they're coming for me

hide me pls

Comments ( 12 )


What did you do this time?

*Checks page and all the horrible fetish images of giant women are gone*

Oh right.

Fite them faget

Waggle your ass like a rattlesnake that'll scare them off

D48 #4 · Apr 5th, 2017 · · ·

Huh, I'm not sure if I should ask "What did you do this time?" or "What did those idiots do this time?" since both are very valid questions around here. :rainbowlaugh:

So, you have three options, Shocks.
1. The Closet.
2. The Basement.
3. The Shed.
4. On the Demolition-D pages on YouTube.


horrible fetish images of giant women

ill have you know that they were proud metaphors of humanity rising up to stand above the clouds, to become giants, titans of their own destiny, who would encourage others to grow with them, to become bigger than they already are, to leave a giant footprint in history

also they were kinda kinky so yeah

4484018 but then i die :c

4484019 wat u sayin m8

>u disgust meh
>kil urself

that's it

4484089 but ikio! one more strike on my channel one more rule break and I is kill!

4484101 >maybe you shouldn't break the rules
>Shocks: What could possibly go wrong?

Kek shall defend you.


Hold tight your memes and let fly your Pepes, we come to your aid.


4484101 Happy to help. :rainbowlaugh:

Why don't you get down and boogie? Nobody can kill somebody who's dancing their pants off.

And an added bonus is that dancing is a very effective form of exercise.

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