• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2019


Just a simple pegasister who likes world building.

More Blog Posts113

  • 303 weeks
    Grey Guard Pony passed away on 12/7/2018.

    Sorry, I'm Zalabar; a friend who was asked to spread the word. Somehow I didn't think of posting here. Instead it was... well, direct message to the few we both knew. Phyco put up a blog on it back in December; https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/838448/dust-in-the-wind

    It was the cancer, and GGP passed in their sleep.

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    17 comments · 1,908 views
  • 338 weeks
    Not Dead....Yet

    My apologies for the prolonged radio silence coming from this account. It's been a rough past couple of months.

    Fuck cancer so hard.

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    9 comments · 1,303 views
  • 365 weeks
    New Rainsverse Fic!

    Just giving my followers who enjoy the Rainsverse a heads up. The next fic in that AU has passed the que and is now available to start reading.

    In this one, we begin to delve into the fallout of Chroma's attack on The Heartlands and the fate of the Everfree Rangers in particular. If you're interested in seeing what happens next, go give it a look!

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    0 comments · 488 views
  • 366 weeks
    Writing Lessons: Blood and Ponies

    ...This fic exhausted me.

    If there is one over-arching lesson I learned from this little crossover is that having a plan for your story, even if you end up deviating from it, is important. It gives you at least a loose guide that you can follow and for someone with ADD having something that can help keep you on focused and on track ends up being really important.

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    1 comments · 562 views
  • 376 weeks
    Weird Stores

    I had a medical appointment today and saw two of the weirdest stores I ever have on the way to and from the appointment.

    On the way out I passed Valhalla: Indoor Axe Throwing.

    On the way back I passed Break Room: Therapeutic Demolition.

    It is now a goal in my life to visit both of these stores out of sheer, morbid curiosity.

    4 comments · 502 views

Happy Abandon Internet Day! · 5:03pm Apr 1st, 2017

Just a friendly reminder to all my watchers to not trust anything they read on the internet today, for reasons that should be obvious.

If anyone needs me, I'll be hiding in my bunker until the stroke of midnight.

Report GreyGuardPony · 269 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Isn't this a paradox, if you're telling us on the Internet not to trust anything on the internet do we trust what you said? Or does that mean we shouldn't trust what you said and thus trust the rest of the internet?

Plus do you believe things on the internet for the other 354 days of the year?


*carefully reads those sentences*

.....CURSES! Foiled again!

Another of like mindedness, thank the world for that.

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