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Today is Starlight Glimmer Day · 3:59pm Mar 20th, 2017

Yup, according to Equestria Daily, it is Starlight Glimmer Day. To be honest, I'm ok with this... especially since there's all this artwork. Guys, what would even inspire you to make an airplane GlimGlam? Anyway, here is my favorite artwork (so far) starting with least favorite for each category:

NOTE: This blog will be edited to possibly include more content as the day goes one.
Edit #1 has been applied







Normal Stuff:






Comments ( 5 )

I love the second to last one. Excuse me, while I just go save that really fast...

Same, fam... same.

Go to the source page if you want it in a huge size. The artist has done a whole series of these silhouette-style pics, so it's worth visiting for those, too!

4464300 Awesome. Thank you

ooh, I like the second one

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