Story Notes: Sunset Shimmer Makes a Sandwich · 12:53am Mar 20th, 2017
Pre-read by AShadowOfCygnus.
So I got the idea from a post a friend put on Facebook.
Clickbait source
And I was snickering about it all day at work, so I thought, why not write it? And I could totally see Sunset being the one who made the sandwich, and of all the Equestria Girls, I think she'd handle a sudden demon appearance the best.
And then I also thought that FanOfMostEverything was having a princess contest, and this might vaguely qualify [EDIT: It did not; it was not princessy enough]. Of course, the only slot that it qualifies for is already taken; however, the person who claimed it hasn't posted anything yet. So I might be able to squeak in on a default.
If it doesn't, that's okay, too. I don't regret writing it.
I kind of got the inspiration for the weather from the drive to work. There wasn't much blowing snow, but there were big fat flakes and what normally would have taken fifteen minutes took a half hour instead, and that was fresh in my mind when I started writing. The snow's gone already; it didn't even last the afternoon.
The demon in question is from Magic: The Gathering. I figure throwing in a MtG reference in a story for FoME will be appreciated.
I was kind of torn about whether Sunset Shimmer would put meat on her sandwich, but I think that she's acclimatized to living on 'Earth' as a human, and isn't vegetarian anymore. Maybe every now and then she snacks on some hay for old-time's sake, but I think for the most part she's indistinguishable from a normal, everyday girl.
Except, of course, that she's awesome.
Does that look like a girl who would be fazed by a demon appearing in her kitchen?
What, this isn't an entry in the Imposing Princesses contest? Princess Sunset Shimmer the Usurper would be a really nice twist...
Okay, now off to read it.
She's not so much usurping, is the thing.
Huh. So what you are saying is that the next time I make a sandwich I should draw an occult symbol on it in a condiment of my choice and when the demon appears I should give it my sandwhich then after that everything will be hunkydory?
4463617 Well yes, it'd probably have to be an AU...
Word of FoME is 'did not qualify.'
Sorry for the ruling, but I still enjoyed the story. Though I should note that if you're summoning Rakdos, flaming skulls are more likely to attract his attention than pentacles.
Nah, that's totally fair. I was gonna write the story anyways, and then after the fact I thought that it might work as a contest entry. As soon as I thought of the line "she'd seen shit that would make a lumberjack weep," I knew I had to write it.
Maybe he was the demon on desk duty that day
And I'm not sure how you'd even make a flaming skull out of mustard on a sandwich. Maybe Sweetie Belle could do it, somehow.
So, basically, this sounds like the family friendly version of Fridge Horror by Aragon.