New Story, EFNW Submission · 12:14am Mar 4th, 2017
Hello everyone.
Today I have just submitted my latest story:
,which is also going to be a submission for the EFNW 2017 Scribblefest. It's pretty cool. I think you guys should read it. If you are unconvinced, check out this sweet coverart (drawn by the mighty Xadrow, who did my coverart for last year's Scribblefest entry).
Look at that beautiful bastard. What a legend. As you might guess, this blog post is also to encourage people to check out Xadrow's deviantart account. He's an awesome bloke. Draws like a champ. He doesn't tend to draw MLP stuff unless I chain him down and make him, but let's not hold that against him. He's got some great drawing skills.
Later this week-end I'd like to post a sort of 'making of' blog about how I wrote Sky Blue Bro and the various iterations it went through. The story has a lot of stuff behind it. I also want to try getting through some of the other EFNW entries that were submitted and give 'em a bit of a review, like with last time.
So many good things to come.
If anyone is planning to enter in the 2017 Scribblefest, or has already, let me know, and I'd be glad to take a look and maybe recommend it on a blog here. Who knows. Anything could happen.