Fallout Equestria March Sidefic Voting and Other Stuff! · 9:10pm Feb 28th, 2017
Hello all. First off I'd like to start with some excellent artwork, commissioned by the ever generous Doomande and drawn by the talented Drago-Draw.
Arcaidia looking lovely in the snow, enjoying the ice cold weather. I think Drago-Draw did an excellent job here, especially with the expression. This artist's work is definitely worth a look if you want to check out their deviantart page.
Now on to the main news. The Fallout Equestria Subreddit has its March sidefic voting up, and I've got a topic up in the Fallout Equestria forum hoping to promote it more, so hopefully more folk get out there and vote for their favorite stories.
As for last month's voting, well, there's good news, and odd news on that front. The good news is that Trigger to Tomorrow got plenty of votes, and is currently in the running. However it seems there was something odd about the voting, which is mentioned here. Basically Trigger got a bunch of votes within a very short time frame, less than half an hour, and to the folks on the Subreddit that looked a tad bit suspicious. Now I'm not inclined to think the worst and that anyone actually cheated, but I'll admit to being a bit curious what happened there. Maybe it was a fluke, maybe a bunch of you guys just happened to vote around the same time. If anyone knows what might have happened, my curiosity would appreciate being sated, but like I said, there's no accusation here, just an honest guy wanting to make sure everything he does stays that way.
Anyway, regardless of how the February voting turns out, March is coming up as a fresh month, and I hope all you guys will keep voting to help keep the poll active. Have a good one folks.