• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 31st, 2022

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Confound these ponies. They drive me to write.

More Blog Posts13

  • 125 weeks
    Their Very Own Suns: Next Chapter Update

    Hey there, Sunbros! It sure has been a long time, about... Let me see here... yeesh, over two years?

    Kudos to those of you who have stuck around. I left the story off at a major cliffhanger, and I can't apologize enough for leaving you all hanging :twilightsheepish: I've had it happen to me, and I'm all too familiar with how much it sucks.

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  • 128 weeks
    An Update About My Updates

    I've officially run out of funny ways to say I've been gone for a while, and I'm not going to try to come up with one for fear of sounding real cliche. I do want to give all of you who have been real patient for updates on my stories what I hope is an explanation, rather than a wall of excuses.

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  • 259 weeks
    Pardon the Dust!

    I feel like I owe y'all an apology/explanation already :twilightsheepish:

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  • 277 weeks
    10,000 YEARS- will give you such a crick in the neck!

    Starting to feel like a one-trick pony here, but with said trick being coming back to life every now and then, is it really so bad? :twilightblush:

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  • 330 weeks
    The Part Where I Apologize Again

    Oh man, I wonder when the last time I logged in was-- July 22nd

    Actual footage of me coming back from the dead for the third time.

    Well, it looks like I may have accidentally slipped off the face of the earth again... But I'm back! That's all that matters, right? :twilightsheepish:

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The Interrogations will be Short · 8:13pm Feb 20th, 2017

Heyo! I feel like I have a bit of explaining to do. Things have been really weird on my end lately (a bunch of personal reasons), and I haven't been writing a whole bunch because of it. It doesn't really help that my motivation kinda tanked for a moment, but it's back now for the most part.

As much as I hate to say it, the next chapter of Human Nature is going to take a bit longer than I would have liked. I've been looking over the old chapters as a reference of where to go with the new ones (seeing what I liked and wanted to keep, and what I wanted to rewrite entirely), and the way it's looking, I'm going to be reworking this whole chapter from scratch. This wouldn't normally be a problem, but I'm slowly starting to notice a little personal block for me: interrogation scenes are hard.

I have an idea of where I want things to go, but as of now they're still just ideas. If anybody would be willing to offer any help or advice, I'd be more than willing to accept it. I want to learn how to write them better, and I don't want to get anyone out of character while I'm doing it. That being said, does anyone know any good stories/books/shows/movies that have good interrogation scenes in them?

And as a small side note, I am trying my hardest to get as many chapters out as I can before April. I don't want to go into any details until I get something written in paper, and I'll definitely go further into explaining why once I do.

Thanks for reading and all the patience and support!
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Comments ( 12 )

Well you take your sweet time I'm in no hurry and I love this story and I have a question

Q: is hunter an American? And if so when questions are asked doesn't he know the fifth with is the right to remain silent?


Q: is hunter an American? And if so when questions are asked doesn't he know the fifth with is the right to remain silent?

Yes, he's American, so I'd be willing to bet he knows something about them, but I wasn't too sure how similar and different Equestrian and American law are, though. I was originally planning on having him be silent for the beginning of the interrogation up to a certain point..

So far in the rough draft, Twilight is going to say something along the lines of “This silent treatment isn’t going to get you anywhere. The longer you hold off our questions, the longer we’re going to be here", to which Hunter would reply, "I want to talk to _____".

I'm in no way gifted in the creativity department, but I think it might be funny if the mane six try using various methods depending on their individual characteristics. Like have Pinkie try to bribe him with food, that not work and then attempt the old "Rabbit season, Duck season" gag only for Hunter to agree when she says "Will talk!" or something like that. And have Rainbow and Applejack try good cop bad cop. Or Rarity try to charm him into talking. Though as I said before, I'm not a very good writer but I've got a whole list of these, so if you want to use them, feel free. I'm more than happy to oblige.

4431869 That actually gives me a couple ideas, and I really like the good cop bad cop idea. Thanks for the help! :twilightsmile:

4437130 No problem, happy to be of service.

I would like to see Hunter try to fuck with Twilight, spread some misinformation about himself.
"What's the name of your species, Monster?"
"Erectus Phallus"
"Where is your home?"
"Second star to the right, then straight ahead 'till Morning."
"You're trying to screw with me."
"I am not, I am."
"Answer my questions!"
"I am only talking to ___"

Because seriously, fuck Twilight.

4440507 That does sound fun, but I might not make it that severe. I appreciate the input though. Gave me a good laugh :rainbowlaugh:

Are you going to include the tickle scene that was in the original version?

4444883 To be honest, I'm kinda leaning towards taking it out, but I don't know what I'd put in it's place (or if I'd just end it soon after the Pinkie/Rainbow scene). It just seemed a little out of place to me, but if you have something to say about it, I'd love to hear it.

4444928 Here's an idea.

You have Pinkie Pie go for the old tickle torture from the start, but have Hunter put on an act. Yes, the tickling drives him nuts, but he's worried of whatever other tortuous they might try, so he acts like him being tickled is the worst thing in the world to him, to which they buy it. How does that sound?

By the way, could I possibly read the old version of this chapter, if you still have it?

4445028 Hm, I like that. Might tweak it a bit, but that definitely sounds solid. I'll dig through my files and try to find the old version and send it to you in a message. Thanks for the help! :twilightsmile:

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