Another Story - Posted! · 6:03am Jan 26th, 2017
Hello, everyone! I know that not many people read the blogs, but I just wanted to talk to you all for a minute.
As I'm sure a lot of you know, I wrote Your Middle Name is What? as my first story. It unexpectedly blew up, largely in part due to my editor, UniqueSKD. I began working on my next story, What Happens When You're Gone?, and I won't lie, I was nervous. I felt like I had expectations to live up to. When the story went up, I was terrified as to whether or not it would do well.
As of now, it has one hundred thirteen views, one comment, nine likes, and one dislike.
I have never been more grateful.
I don't expect anything of you. When you all watched me, or commented, or asked for more, I didn't think, "Well, I should explode with every story from now on if they do their job." I just wanted to write content that you would enjoy, and, judging by the numbers, I think that I did just that for this story. I decided a while ago that I would not expect to get famous, no matter what happens, and I am glad to say that this last story definitely eased my nerves about all of the pressure. I will probably write more frequently now, with a wider range, and I hope that you will continue to stick with me.
Thank you for changing my life,