For the Mature Reader · 7:54pm Jan 21st, 2017
By which I mean:
Those who don't mind the odd 90-word sentence here and there...
Still, I've posted the revised version of my recent 4th-place grabbing Writeoff story, "Noblesse Oblige," and I ended up deciding that I had to make it "rated Mature for sexual situations." Right now, I'm thinking the whole thing'll be 30,000 words long and will maybe have three brief and poetically vague sex scenes scattered throughout--the first one is about 120 words near the end of chapter 3 if folks want to get an idea of how far the story's likely to go.
Horse jesus. Yes, I get it. I'm very sorry about the tone of my review.
I loved the story. It was at or near the top of my slate. I don't have any leverage to critique you as a writer, and I sincerely apologize.
Mature readers? I don't think we have many of them here...
Oh, people who read Mature fics. Sorry, different thing. Carry on.
I'm sorry:
I don't mean to keep turning it into a dig. It just occurred to me that I've heard the phrase "language porn" before, but I'm afraid to Google it to see what it actually refers to: folks who enjoy luxuriating in thickets of subordinate clauses, maybe?
You and I have both hit the half century mark at this point, seems to me, so if I'm not talking about us, then I don't know who--or what--I'm talking about. Not that I usually do know who---or what--I'm talking about...
4391318 I have an actual sign in my house.
I'm intrigued by this one, because I've always seen you as the squeaky-clean sort.
To what levels of debauchery can you sink? >:V
Did I never:
Direct you to the "asexual Applejack falls for futanari Fluttershy" stories over on my AugieDog account? History: A Romance Continued, the middle book of the trilogy, is still what I'd call my favorite of all the ponyfic I've ever put together.
This current Blueblood one, though, isn't gonna get nearly as graphic as those three do.
It's like finding out for the first time that your parents had sex.
It's like:
That robot says during the movie Logan's Run: "It's my freeze you!"