• Member Since 6th Nov, 2016
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Rose Quill

Author of the Homecoming series, occasional contributor to Bodyguard!AU, and food aficionado.

More Blog Posts579

  • 8 weeks
    In case you missed it…

    Someone asked me the other day why SciTwi’s nickname in Homecoming is Sunshine. In story, it was given to her by her grandmother, but both in story and out of story, it was really simple:

    you are my Sunshine/my only Sunshine/you make me happy/when skies are gray

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    4 comments · 73 views
  • 11 weeks
    State of the author

    It’s now mid September, and there are a lot of things in the works for me.

    I stepped down from the readership position at work that had me running 60-70 hour weeks just so I wouldn’t go mad. I’m set tingly back into a comfortable 35-40 hour weeks and can feel my energies recharging.

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    14 comments · 116 views
  • 27 weeks
    Strike, fade, run

    “Striking, fading and running. Each of these are three well used moves, my Lady.” Twilight spoke. “Most importantly, running.”

    “Why would I run?” Rarity huffed, still bent over slightly and catching her breath.

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    5 comments · 116 views
  • 33 weeks
    April, with many a day…

    So I just spent from the third through today (sort of, still have some driving to do) on holiday. Went to Dallas to see the Eclipse in totality, swung though Hot Springs for… well, the hot springs, and finally St Louis for a lovely riverboat dinner before bidding the Boyfriend farewell and starting the trip home.

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    3 comments · 179 views
  • 47 weeks
    Well, I started it...

    All Good Things... has commenced. I may have a chapter of it up tonight.

    I really want to start closing out the unfinished stories, but sometimes you just can't get back into the flow for them. Sorceress and the Siren is one, Into the Wilds is another. Which is sad cause I love writing Azure.

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It's the worst storm ever... · 10:26am Jan 8th, 2017

Yeah, it dumped nine inches of snow on my region of the US, but the temperature is up and I doubt any more will fall today.

Now watch as I need a Tauntaun to get to work tomorrow.

There's only one more chapter titled for Heath's Warming before we move on to the Yule Ball and then on to the Sparkle's Christmas party.

I have the gifts for Sunset and SciTwi planned already, but I want to see if any sharp-eyed reader can guess what they are. The winner - or closest guess - will get a short cameo in either this or an upcoming story.

Comments ( 7 )

You know, usually I don't read in progress stories (I've been hurt before so, so much), but if there's a cameo at stake I might just put on my hunting cap, grab my pipe, find some chick named Watson and get to work on this puzzle.

I lost internet all day yesterday. I hate being disconnected from it, I was pacing and losing my mind when it finally came back on.

Whats worse? It was in the single digits briefly yesterday.... but its supposed to be 70 on monday :P


Hey, why do you get the Lucy Liu Watson while I'm stuck with Martin Freeman?


I withdraw my objection.

There's also Jude Law if you want a more classic approach. Comes with a side of Robert Downy Jr., so that's a bonus.



I'm still waiting for him and Benedict Cumberbatch to say something to each other to the tune of "Brilliant, Sherlock" in the MCU.

4374757 I keep hoping against all hope to see Jonny Lee Miller worm his way into the MCU so we can get all three of them together. I just... I want it so bad.

I can see Cap or maybe Banner saying something silly and all three of them, in unison, "No shit, Sherlock."


Not Cap, Scott Lang. He's the most likely at this point.

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