Applejack has agreed to model for a photoshoot as a favour to Fancy Pants. She owes him a favour, after all. It has nothing to do with their ongoing relationship. Honestly.
Apologies for the early 'Complete' tag on Yona's fic. It's a three-chapter fic, and the tag should have read 'Incomplete' to start. I mis-clicked when double-checking everything earlier. It has since been fixed.
Coming soon, a Spiritual Successor to 2014's "The Spunky Chicken" (see Tagged Story).
Apple Bloom doesn't mean to embody rural pony stereotypes, but she just does. She's got an ack-cent, she wears denim shorts and plaid, and is pretty darn handy with a wrench or brute force to fix something farm-related.
And she didn't mean to sleep with a cousin; that just sort of happened.
Let no one deny the truth.
I can live with that.