• Member Since 9th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen July 19th


Aspiring musician who likes to write in his downtime.

More Blog Posts24

  • 380 weeks

    After taking a week off of writing, I finally finished another chapter of snek pone. Once I finish editing, and my prereaders give the OK, it'll be posted! :D Hope the wait didn't kill too many of you. :P

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  • 382 weeks
    Future Updates

    Evening all! Just wanted to clue y'all in a bit on the future of Genesis, and any updates for it. I am currently away from home for the week (I managed to snag a ticket to E3) so the odds of me updating this week are fairly slim. However, once I return home, I will be working on a once every 3-4 days release schedule. I've set a goal for myself for this story, and I fully intend to reach it.

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    2 comments · 363 views
  • 382 weeks
    I can't even....

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    1 comments · 514 views
  • 391 weeks
    New Project (I'm not dead yet!)

    Hello to all of my readers out there! (as few of you as there may be) I apologize for the lack of updates, I have tried my hardest these past few months to get something presentable that I can give to y'all, but unfortunately I have been unable to get anything that I am happy with. (the hours of staring at a doc with nothing changing doesn't help) Without sounding like I'm whining or trying to

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    0 comments · 452 views
  • 404 weeks
    Late release

    The next chapter of FYB will be posted by Friday, almost a week later than I had planned. I unintentionally burned myself out a bit writing almost 20,000 words for my other story in one sitting, and as a result I haven't gotten much work done since. I've managed to sit down and force out a few hundred words, and now that I've started it's getting a bit easier to continue. I apologize for the

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Update/Deleted Scene · 9:08pm Dec 29th, 2016

The next chapter of MLD is sitting at just under 6.2k words and 50% completion. I'm hoping to finish the chapter before the weekend is done, but until then, have a small snippet of dialogue between everyone's favorite princesses that, as much as I liked it, just didn't end up fitting in the chapter.

“You’re one to talk, Lulu? Need I remind you of your discovery of moon pies?” Celestia teased. “If I recall correctly, no store in Canterlot could keep them in stock for a whole month after. I was worried we’d need to expand the castle doors.”

“Tia…” Luna whined, attempting to hide a hoof sized chocolate cake on her plate. “We thought thou agreed to never speak of that.” She shot Celestia a devious smirk. “And in return, we agreed not to speak of thy addiction to cake, or thine ever expanding flanks.”

Nothing big, isn't giving anything away, but I had a good laugh writing the scene, even if parts of it didn't stick around.

Here's to hoping all o' y'all have a happy new years!

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