Update/Deleted Scene · 9:08pm Dec 29th, 2016
The next chapter of MLD is sitting at just under 6.2k words and 50% completion. I'm hoping to finish the chapter before the weekend is done, but until then, have a small snippet of dialogue between everyone's favorite princesses that, as much as I liked it, just didn't end up fitting in the chapter.
“You’re one to talk, Lulu? Need I remind you of your discovery of moon pies?” Celestia teased. “If I recall correctly, no store in Canterlot could keep them in stock for a whole month after. I was worried we’d need to expand the castle doors.”
“Tia…” Luna whined, attempting to hide a hoof sized chocolate cake on her plate. “We thought thou agreed to never speak of that.” She shot Celestia a devious smirk. “And in return, we agreed not to speak of thy addiction to cake, or thine ever expanding flanks.”
Nothing big, isn't giving anything away, but I had a good laugh writing the scene, even if parts of it didn't stick around.
Here's to hoping all o' y'all have a happy new years!