Rarity's Road Chapter 5 · 11:42pm Dec 3rd, 2016
I'm proofing Chapter 5 right now. After a few read-throughs, I am sure about the events that take place. I debated with myself through a lot of points, and I had to go back and change a lot of things to make it feel more natural.
It was a lot of work because I had some dialogue that got out of character, there was a confrontation that simply didn't work and had to be re-witten completely, and I even forgot to introduce a new character that I intended to write into the story. Now, I just have to solidify sentence mechanics to make sure it reads okay. I also always have to delete repetitive descriptions (of which I'm a horrible offender). Ex. There was a lamp in the north-east corner of the room, and next to the lamp in the north-east corner, was a box.
Anyway, I may have it finished tomorrow in the early morning, but I may let it simmer for the weekend if any major changes come up.
Rock on,