• Member Since 8th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 13th, 2021


Another guy working his butt off for not enough pay, but still loves to spoil his wife whenever he can, and spending time with his little girl.

More Blog Posts71

  • 282 weeks
    First Launch

    M’ rocketship-obsessed 3.5-year old experienced her first model rocket launch this late afternoon. After m’ wife got home from work, we took six of the thirteen readied rockets out, to give the launch pad its maiden launch as well as kick off a new era of model rocketry in m’ family. M’ wife suggested a field beside our church’s parking lot.

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    2 comments · 375 views
  • 285 weeks
    A whole decade

    Tomorrow’s special.

    28 March 2009, at 2:30pm, m’ wife and I tied the knot. Hard to believe it’s already been that long...and yet, it’s so permanent in m’ brain that I, quite literally, cannot imagine life without her at all. It’s one of precious few things I’ve done where I can honestly say I have no doubts in the least that this was right decision.

    Here’s to the next ten.

    2 comments · 350 views
  • 322 weeks
    Still hate Paddy? Imagine this is him singing his story.

    The Dubliners - The Sick Note

    Thought some of you would enjoy this.

    1 comments · 383 views
  • 334 weeks
    To alter to meet newly canon things, or not?

    It appears Trixie's real father has been identified, courtesy of this last episode. Kinda makes me wonder if she’s the result of an special-”private-performance”-after-a-show or some such. But anyways....

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    3 comments · 385 views
  • 340 weeks
    An idea that popped into m' head

    I don’t think anybody’s done something with Doki Doki Literature Club! and ponies yet...could have the EqG Mane 7 stream the game and have their reactions to the :applejackconfused::fluttercry::pinkiegasp::rainbowhuh::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch: sort of gameplay, as well as any “viewers” of their stream. For those of you who aren’t familiar with said

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    0 comments · 342 views

Family Must Go First · 2:50am Dec 1st, 2016

Sorry about the delay on the new chapter of Rarity Gets Caught. I had intended to have it finished earlier today, and have it posted almost two hours ago. But my duties as a father take priority over, well, everything else. Consequently, I have a fair bit to go. :ajbemused: I hope to have it up tomorrow at 8pm-ish EST.

M' daughter is 14 months old, and is cutting teeth (as m' wife puts it). Specifically, she's got molars going in. Not sure if she's also feeling under the weather or not (no fever, but not all diseases are accompanied by one). Suffice it to say, she's been clingy. Very clingy. She's just wanted to be held by one of us all day, and starts to throw a fit when we weren't. She's learning how to throw a tantrum, but it'll be another three and a half months before we can start doing something about it and expect it to stick. :ajsleepy: Putting her to bed was more of a struggle than usual, because she would not let go. Little tiny nails dug into m' shoulder as she expressed how much she didn't like the idea. But she stopped crying within a minute of me leaving her room, and is already out. :facehoof:

We were planning on mashed potatoes and pork chops for dinner. M' wife had the potatoes going. I'm just now at the point of waiting on the chops.

Gonna try again after eating....

Comments ( 5 )

Do what you can with what you've got, dear ol' dad. We're not going anywhere. :scootangel:

Family always comes before this mate. And you don't need to worry yourself about us none, we're patient people. :twilightsmile:

I just hope you're child doesn't ruin you're patience.

...constipation sucks. Especially if it's the baby that has it. She just screamed her head off for the last two hours because it hurt her so badly. The way her entire little body tensed during each scream was the tip-off that it was constipation. Gave her the things to help her get it out and numb the pain, and she kept screaming. Mind you, it's not a constant shriek, even accounting for taking breaths; it just starts up each time her colon tries to clear itself. She only wanted daddy; each time mamma took her, she got upset and reached for me instead. M' wife had to catch her because she tried jumping out of m' wife's arms at one point. :applejackconfused:

Knew there'd be nights like this, but...geez.

4324488 Life's will give you one Hell of a time, sometimes. But everything here has an end, so I wouldn't stress yourself too much mate.

4324488 This is merely experience for later. Like most every "learning on the job" deal, everything you experience will be saved for later. You may not know when, but if it happens again, you'll be ready for it after this. :twilightsmile:

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