Anyone wanna know what Martial arts I've learned? · 2:48am Nov 29th, 2016
I've Done Ninjutsu for 4 years, Hapkido for 7 and a half, Krav Maga for 4 years, Kung Fu for 2 years, and Muy Thai for 9, and I've started Systema from an EX Spetznas I know. Been doing that for 4 months.
How many real fights have you been in?
4321513 shit. A lot.
4321497 lol, k.
4321521 sure what? Like Sure you don't believe me or sure as in saying sure you wanna know.
4321519 I never really liked to fight. I always felt bad after.
4321540 meh, unless they hurt you bad I don't feel bad. Cause they are always the ones who start it. I just finish it.
4321559 No. It made me feel bad after I did the "finishing" I always go a bit far or far more then is needed. Just because someone wants to fight does not mean they are able to fight. In truth most people can't fight or take a punch or punches. Kicks , jabs twist bites or stomps . Less alone a fight with a weapon(s).
4321578 I don't fight with weapons unless they have a bigger one.
4321638 Why? If I fight I use everything I have at hand.
4321670 Challenge myself.