Sometimes the Universe Makes It Too Easy: Reading Some Signs. · 6:53pm Nov 14th, 2016
Just a bit of randomness to hopefully brighten up your day. There have been some interesting portents of the future in recent memory, so I thought I'd share them with you. To wit:
A local network has been airing re-runs of Avatar: the Last Airbender. Guess which episodes they aired on the 8th and 9th of November, the days we heard of Trump's election?
The Day of Black Sun, part 1 and 2.
Darkest day in the history of the Fire Nation, huh? Weird timing, that.
Pure coincidence, right? There's nothing else happening that might be tied to Avatar symbolism, right?
November 14th gives us a little something called the 'Supermoon'. Seriously, look it up. So mere days after the darkest day in the history of the Fire Nation, we get a lasting lunar phase that would give waterbenders the sort of power Sozin's comet gave to the firebenders. Meanwhile, earthquakes hit New Zealand.
... dammit, I want this to be a sign of something, but I can't think of what.
(Still haven't caught up with the new Season, btw. Can't find enough time alone with the TV.)
Cracker out.
People keep asking what these Trump supporters want besides venting their anger. Now we have something to work for. We need to take away Trump's bending.
But what if he turns out to be Zuko, and Obama was the Firelord all along?
One thing we know for sure, Biden is uncle iroh
Does that make Bernie Bumi?
It's a sign that humans are really good at seeing patterns where none actually exist.