• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen November 30th

Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.

More Blog Posts466

  • 59 weeks
    TSSTP New Cover Art

    I had some artwork commissioned to serve as cover art for The Super Sneaky Thieving Pony, so if you've ever wanted to know what Slinky, Fluffy and Jade are properly meant to look like, here you go

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  • 62 weeks
    New Story: The Super Sneaky Thieving Pony

    Howdy, I'm alive lol

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  • 334 weeks
    New Story-"Bad Kitty"

    Through some recent leaks and rumors that MLP will be ending after season 9, it's looking very unlikely that we'll ever get a G4 representation of Catrina, which while I can't expect FIM to reboot every G1 character ever, it is disappointing. And it is rather weird to me that they're probably not going to do it especially after they made anthro cats canon with Capper in the MLP Movie. However,

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  • 364 weeks
    The Last Jedi

    Sooooo I'm confused on why so many people seem to hate this movie.

    Is it because it killed a ton of fan theories? And maybe Luke wasn't portrayed how the fanbase thought he would be?

    Something tells me that's it, but I don't really get it. I thought it was pretty good.

    1 comments · 636 views
  • 364 weeks
    Disney has bought Fox

    Soooooo yeah that happened. The X-Men are back where they belong now. Maybe they'll actually put Wolverine in the yellow suit this time. Maybe we'll finally get a good Fantastic Four movie too.

    Also does this mean Anastasia isn't a Disney ripoff anymore?:rainbowlaugh:

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AAAAAAH · 7:32pm Nov 9th, 2016



I don't think there's legitimately any way I can be positive about this. As most of you know I'm in the USA, and also as most of you know we elected a LIVING MEME into office last night.

I would say don't panic, but given that this is Donald Trump we're talking about here, I feel like it's justified. We're fucked.

Believe me Hilary was no angel by any means (Care to explain where your e-mails went?) and definitely would have dragged us into World War III with her stupid fetish for no-fly zones. Trump though has his own problems. The guy has NO experience in politics, built his campaign pretty much off of saying awful and hateful things, and is a raving lunatic who no other country takes seriously (Yeah, president of Mexico? Said himself that he's not paying for the wall) I'm pretty sure 90% of other countries are laughing at us right now, and yeah this is our own fault but you know what I DON'T THINK THIS IS VERY FUNNY.

Yeah I'm not okay right now.

Comments ( 5 )

You forgot that Trump is also a sexist, a racist, a bigot, and a word I do not want to sully my keyboard with.


In all honesty, I hope you're wrong.

i would have laughed at your country either way

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