AAAAAAH · 7:32pm Nov 9th, 2016
I don't think there's legitimately any way I can be positive about this. As most of you know I'm in the USA, and also as most of you know we elected a LIVING MEME into office last night.
I would say don't panic, but given that this is Donald Trump we're talking about here, I feel like it's justified. We're fucked.
Believe me Hilary was no angel by any means (Care to explain where your e-mails went?) and definitely would have dragged us into World War III with her stupid fetish for no-fly zones. Trump though has his own problems. The guy has NO experience in politics, built his campaign pretty much off of saying awful and hateful things, and is a raving lunatic who no other country takes seriously (Yeah, president of Mexico? Said himself that he's not paying for the wall) I'm pretty sure 90% of other countries are laughing at us right now, and yeah this is our own fault but you know what I DON'T THINK THIS IS VERY FUNNY.
Yeah I'm not okay right now.
You forgot that Trump is also a sexist, a racist, a bigot, and a word I do not want to sully my keyboard with.
4293373 Yep.
We're donefor
In all honesty, I hope you're wrong.
4293392 Yeah so do I to be honest
i would have laughed at your country either way