• Member Since 13th May, 2012
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  • 38 weeks
    Give Me Your WILD and WACKY Experimental Fics

    Self promotions encouraged!

    I’ve been on an extended weekend holiday with the boyf in Amsterdam and boy howdy they should be calling it Slam-Your-Man-sterdam because we are having tons of gay sex like a coupla fags

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    34 comments · 850 views
  • 38 weeks
    Fundraiser for Ice Star's Boyfriend

    Hey all! I really meant to do this earlier, but better late than never, and the fundraiser is still active and about halfway to where it needs to go, so:

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    3 comments · 200 views
  • 39 weeks
    Desire [NEW STORY]

    "What do you want, Discord?"

    The question is so simple.

    So why can't he answer it?

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    0 comments · 141 views
  • 60 weeks
    thirteen years

    how did we get so old?

    17 comments · 388 views
  • 66 weeks
    Never A Dull Moment

    Thank you all for helping me out back in May :heart: The support means the world to me, and thanks to your kind contributions I was able to go and visit my boy in Britain. I'll try and mock up a proper recap blog—though I am notoriously terrible at doing those, I don't think I've ever managed a proper recap blog for any of the various conventions I've gone to over the years. I guess there was

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    7 comments · 322 views

November AMA · 5:56pm Nov 2nd, 2016

Hello peoples of various genders and species

It's time once again for me to beg you for attention. Validate my existence and ask me questions please

No patreon shill this month because I'm trying to find out whether or not I can still run it the way I do

More info on that later

Ask me anything

Report Regidar · 363 views · #November AMA
Comments ( 24 )

What's your opinion of Eddie Vedder?

4282082 he's alright, Pearl Jam is dope as fuck
as a solo artist I have not really explored him

Are you particularly interested in Ace Attorney? Also, what is your favourite tool in literature? (Things that advance or shape the story, such as character development, symbolism, style, and the sort)

What can I do to battle the insurmountable amount of dread that the last month of uni has in store for me?
Also, what's your favourite ice cream flavour?

Majin Syeekoh

Could you post a YouTube video of you eating a bagel?

That's a fun tool, too. Personally, my favourite is character development.:3

Have you ever had a story idea that was too filthy or off putting for you to in good conscience write?

4282119 go back in time and don't go to uni
also vanilla

4282121 i could
it might take some time to make it presentable

4282130 Nah, but a lot of times I don't publish those fics because they've mostly been shock comedies
I might publish them now that I'm starting to give less of a shit, but one has to wonder if they're actually funny or just immature garbage
as for serious stories, I don't have an upper limit to what can be considered "filthy" or "off-putting".

4282135 do it. Do it for the lols.

How would you rank each season thus far?

If you could dye your hair any color what color would you pick?

What are your thoughts on Scarborough Fair?

If you could be a super villain, what would your super power be?

4282172 I did, twice; the colors were vermillion and black. I preferred the black, but it faded to a weird grey/brown after a while.

Season 2
Season 6
Season 5
Season 1
Season 4
Season 3

4282324 Like a raccoon? Did you like like a raccoon? Did you feel like a raccoon?

>obligatory "how've you been"

So, how's California treating you?

4283072 it's pretty gay, people are dicks in the city
however acid is a lot cheeper here than it was on maui

ever think of going back to your roots and becoming a full blown edgelord again?

4283693 what do you call this recent display
the only difference is now I'm being ironic ie there is no real difference

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