• Member Since 14th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Magical Trevor

More Blog Posts484

  • 142 weeks
    Merry Kwehmas!

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    1 comments · 304 views
  • 177 weeks
    I Survived the 'Rona!

    ... The title says it all, really. I got really sick for a couple of weeks, but I'm alive again. Yay... Now I only need to do 6 weeks-worth of homework in under 3 weeks. Wooooooooo...

    5 comments · 221 views
  • 184 weeks
    HVAC Classes

    So this is going to be a bit of rambling, so for the tagged story, look at the bottom for the tl;dr.

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    4 comments · 307 views
  • 250 weeks

    Work until you can't work anymore!

    That's what my new job is like, anyway... I'm getting the hang of it now, I think, but I apologize for the massive delays. It wasn't supposed to be this bad.

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    1 comments · 380 views
  • 254 weeks

    Last minute warning, sorry. I'm at Ciderfest! If you see this and wanna meet me, I'll be playing "Are You A Changeling?" in the Tabletop Game Room! Just look for Yellow Glasses. :3
    (Just so you know what is helping contribute to not another chapter yet.)

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New Beginning · 3:49am Oct 29th, 2016

First of all, I want to apologize. It's been an aggravating month for me, and I just... let myself vent at you guys, which wasn't fair. Especially once I got back home and saw all of the responses. You guys didn't deserve for me to lash out like that, and for that I apologize.

While I was gone after I posted the previous blog, I realized something... My big problem is that, at this point, the story just isn't... "it" anymore. I don't know how to describe "it", but when "it" was happening, I knew what was going to happen next, more or less, even though I was trying to keep things loose, and that's the problem at this point. Between the characters and the plot, it just got to where I didn't want to continue. I mean... I do, but I'm also at a loss for what to have happen, or where to go, etc. I know now that more of you would prefer I keep going as is, but I realised that, at least to a degree, I need to start over, or get to the next 'resting place', so to speak. So instead of just jumping into "Season 2" as I called it, I'm going to attempt a compromise. I'm going to do a small time skip. Somewhere between a week and a month. Basically, I 'accidentally' wrote in far too many sub-plots, and I just don't have the energy or the drive to address all of them, so I am going to time-skip, have things start off there, and as the sub-plots arise again, if anything important happened, I'll do it via a flash-back. I know it's not the same, but honestly...

I want to go back to the early days where I was putting out a new chapter practically every day. I liked writing back then, and I know that consistent updates are far more enjoyable too, as it helps you feel more involved/invested. I'm really hoping that the time-skip idea works, because then it will be much easier to flow naturally to where it needs to go for Part/Season 2, and if I'm still struggling, then at least it will be easier to hurry the plot along to where it would need to be for that part of the story.

All of that to say, thank you for your responses, and I apologize once more for my childish outburst for people not replying in the first 24 hours. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see if I cannot write a 'new' chapter for tomorrow, considering there isn't any new pony then. Thank you for your patience with me, and I will try to do better in the future.

Comments ( 2 )

In all honesty, it happens. I use to be able to write a chapter nearly everyday, but life kind of got in the way. It's best to try and remain positive and that way it'll improve. Hope everything works out.

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