Story Notes: Ms Harshwhinny Becomes a Relationship Counselor · 3:20am Oct 29th, 2016
Pre-read by AShadowOfCygnus!
I'm not trolling you this time around; Aphrodite really is in this story and she looks just like that.
So, the story is for a contest Estee is running, called TEMPorary Insanity. This is the prompt:
Somepony has to do a job they're completely unsuited for.
And who's more unsuited to affairs of the heart than Harshwhinny?
These are actually called 'desk name plates,' rather than 'name sticks.' But I thought it was funnier the other way. And, incidentally, I also left my bad metaphor in. You'll know it when you see it.
Any of you who watch The Simpsons will know the Squeaky-Voiced teen. I was hoping that he had an actual name, but I guess Squeaky is good enough.
This probably isn't actually in the story.
EDIT: In the story, the section breaks are supposed to be hearts. And they showed up fine prior to publishing, but now they're showing up as question marks instead. Of course, this happened just after Chrome crashed hard (apparently having a hundred tabs open was too much for it to deal with).
So . . . are readers seeing hearts, or question marks?
Not sure if one the images is broken or that's just my computer.
Which one don't you have? I can see them all, but if I looked them up on this machine, they'll show up in the blog post until the cookies are cleared, whether or not anybody else can see them. And I don't have my laptop at home to check for myself.
4275841 Squeaky-Voiced teen.
I thought about entering something like Fluttershy's Fireworks Stand, but I didn't get up the umph.
Does it work now?
4275864 Yes.
(It's a new image)
I'm seeing question marks. Considering the story, it seems appropriate.
That, or exclamation points...
I'm seeing question marks, viewing in Firefox.
And thank you for this story, I've learned so many new english words!
"Dammit Flurry, I said to use the sharp arrow!"
It's probably not too late. Just post it and maybe Estee won't notice.
Hmm, maybe I ought to do some digging through unicode and see if I can get my hearts back.
In the gDoc, the soft breaks start out as four hearts, and more and more of them become broken as the day goes on.
You're welcome!
I love learning new words from stories--that's the best way to learn them.
The day that Cupid goes on a murderous rampage . . .
I actually thought the transition from hearts to question marks was a cute formatting thing as Harshwhinny destroys relationships.
It was supposed to be broken hearts, but the question marks work just as well. Poor everypony in Ponyville.