The Timeline of Gaia · 8:13pm Oct 6th, 2016
As I promised to some readers here and friends who follow this story outside this site, I decided to finally release the timeline of events before the story itself, being a following of all what happened on Gaia's planet to this date. Every year put on this list marked an event 'in game', meaning that every single event that happened during the gameplay was recorded, but some of them were simplified here for the sake of size (No one wants to see ten entries about forest fires). Every war, disaster and approximate number of victims was taken into account and now is safely put here for posterity and reference, since the paper format of the original timeline was obviously inadequate since it was done as I did the playthrough. If you have any questions or want to debate something feel free to do so in the comments.
WARNING: Possible spoilers ahead. Continue at your own risk.
0 - Gaia was born
2.790.000.000 - Prokaryoteswere born. Gaia awoke
3.675.000.000 - Eukaryotes were created by Gaia
3.945.000.000 - Gaia influences life. Radiates were born
3.949.000.000 - Plant life colonizes dry ground. Radiates were born as the first multicellular creatures
3.965.000.000 - Radiates become extinct
3.985.250.000 - Trichordates were created by Gaia
3.999.250.000 - Gaia restores radiates - Gaia adjusts how life develops, increasing reproduction and evolution rate slightly - Arthropods were born - Molluscs were born - Reptiles were born
4.177.500.000 - Insects were born - Dinosaurs were born
4.205.750.000 - Reptiles became extinct - Fish were born
4.222.750.000 - Carniferns were born - Forest fires abound. Trichordates borderline sapient. Something inside Gaia stirs - Dinosaurs became extinct - Trichordates achieve sapience. Prometheus was born
1.120 - Amphibians were born
1.810 - First war, between primitive tribes
2.280 - Second war, between primitive tribes
2.380 - Reptiles were restored. One of the tribes find Gaia, and name her Maka. Gaia shows various feats to the populace without knowing she was being observed, like transplanting whole forests and even putting an entire city on another landmass. The people started to adore her in awe
2.570 - Start of the Bronze Age. Prometheus reaches adulthood and takes the new city-state as his own country. Gaia acquires her modern name, and so does her son
2.650 | 3.120 | 3.160 | 4.430 - Plagues ravage the fledging civilization
4.440 | 4.490 | 4.720 - Wars between city states
4.850 - Start of the Iron Age. Prometheus became a warring and bloodthirsty warlord
5.320 | 5.380 | 5.460 | 6.080 - Prometheus marches with his armies. A dark era befell upon the world, now marred in conflict. Millions dead
6.320 - Start of the Industrial Age
6.321 | 6.322 | 6.328 - Plagues ravage the world
6.329 | 6.332 | 6.333 - Wars reap millions of souls and pollution ran rampant in the new sprawling cities. Gaia fell a little ill
6.335 - Dinosaurs were restored
6.336 - Another war starts, a fight for resources
6.337 - Plagues strike again
6.338 - Two simultaneous conflicts in an alliance war. Prometheus leads the conflict far from his capital.
6.340 - The First City on the planet falls and its erased from the map in a war. Millions of lives were lost. Gaia wept for her children. Gaia became ill and her fur starts to lose its green color
6.341 - As if following Gaia's feelings, two plagues reaps the lives of millions in less than a year
6.344 - Prometheus splits the atom. Start of the Atomic Age
6.352 | 6.355 | 6.356 | 6.358 | 6.359 | 6.360 - World War. Dozens of millions die in the conflict and the plagues that followed. Gaia fell very ill
6.366 - To appease Gaia, a city was built over the remains of the First City. A war over its ownership ravages the new settlement, but survives the conflict
6.370 - Small war between primitives
6.377 - Start of the Info Age
6.376 - Fleeing from conflict, settlers discover a new continent and became the first city on it.
6.377 | 6.379 | 6,380 | 6.383 | 6.385 | 6,392 - Second World War. Gaia has fell very ill and lost her green lustrous fur, becoming ill brown. Febrile anger clouds her mind
6.395 - Gaia snaps. A nuclear detonation that was felt on the entire world obliterated one of the biggest warring powers. Prometheus and the world became afraid and concerned about Gaia and nuclear power. Nuclear power use decreased drastically and all research in fission technology was banned
6.397 - The second product of Gaia's wrath became clear. The icecaps were melting.
6.399 - A plague desolates the countryland
6.400 - Two small wars start between primitive settlements
6.401 - From the fires of war an advancement was discovered. Its the wake of the Nanotech Age
6.402 | 6.403 | 6.406 - Small wars over resources
6.408 - Even with its careful usage, the atomic fuels on the planet were running out. Prometheus tried to approach Gaia but was unable to find her
6.410 | 6.411 | 6.412 | 6.413 | 6.417 | 6.418 | 6.421 | 6.424 | 6.425 - Third World War, this time for resources. Forest fires ravage the land because of the misuse of weaponry during conflict. Plagues and famine reaps the souls of millions and the body count seemed endless. Prometheus and the League of Cities, all advanced nanotech settlements, observe with dread what have become of their world
6.429 - Small wars between primitives
6.432 - And industrial upstart attacks the League of Cities. Its promptly eradicated
6.436 - Forest fires burn extensive areas of farmland and national parks
6.437 | 6.439 | 6.442 - Small war between industrial nations. The pollution started a plague that ravaged the countries
6.444 - Worst hurricane ever recorded. Millions of lives lost
6.448 | 6.450 - In an effort to use Science as the solution for the problems of the world, Prometheus dedicates most of the effort of the country into Science, discarding arts, philosophy and military research
6.451 | 6.452 | 6.456 | 6.458 | 6.460 | 6.461 | 6.463 | 6.565 - Fourth World War. Number of fallen too big to take account. Prometheus speeds up his research
6.470 | 6.471 | 6.473 | 6.475 - A series of plagues and wars end with the razing of the New First City, leaving nothing but ashes
6.477 - Prometheus had an epiphany. Technology breakthroughs in energy and space travel told him what he needed to know: They had to leave their cradle.
6.478 - The Exodus Project starts. Giant colony ships depart the home planet to seed the cosmos with their civilization while leaving their planet as a preserve for natural life. Prometheus finds his mother after all these years, consumed to the bone and being mostly a pitiful visage. He apologizes for all the pain and suffering, but she just smiles before sleeping.
6.489 - The Exodus Project is complete. Prometheus boards The Gaianizer, his flagship, to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life forms and new civilizations as he lets his mother rest. Gaia slumbers
7.578 - The Gaianizer finds a unique star system.
7.580 - Start of "The Slumber of Gaia"
Gaia's total age: years
EXTRA DATE – 4.320.506.489: Pallas, daughter of Gaia, was born. Amphibians became sapient.
The Extra data going to be a new story?
gaia has claimed to wish she had a daughter 'just like her' lol... she got her wish it seems
4243099 It's a 'maybe' . I decided to play and see what happened and lo and behold, soon enough there was another sapient species there so I had to make a note on the event. I have a way to make it work on a story but I want to focus on this one first.
4243157 Yeah, luck was on her side and it seems that amphibians were more evolved than I thought too. I was betting on avians evolving and dominating the place but then again, the first sapients on the planet were tri-symettric land starfish people...
Jeeze, I wish I had just a third of the BG history down for my stories. I am so gelatine based dessert product right now.^^
Wait, is this an actual game?
4243200 Well, I kinda cheated since it was almost all simulated without any input on my part, so... I just recorded al the events
4243211 Not with ponies... But yeah. Its a crossover of MLP:FiM with SimEarth, with many liberties taken for it of course, but all the events that I put here really happened in a single SimEarth game. It was way less exciting than it looks since the game is ancient, but its all in the story one can roleplay while playing the game
Wow... almost saddening watching the civilization start to collapse and turn on itself. Pretty interesting history for her. Poor mammals though. Never did show up in this world XD
Also, minor error
I think the first discard should be dedicate or something to that effect.
Wow... He son must had been more of a dictator. It's great their back together.
4243375 As resources dwindle with the ever devouring civilization the life quality drops drastically and the aggression over resources becomes more and more frequent. Its almost a constant in every SimEarth playthrough, at least if you want them to advance. The life quality of the trichordates at "Project Exodus" date was qualified by the game as miserable
Also.. whoops, sorry about that one. Improved with your suggestion, thanks!
4243644 He was a dictator for a time, and also a feudal lord and in the very end the acting director of a supranational organization. He didn't think that his actions were harmful to her mother 'till the very end, and then it was too late.
Jesus, the plagues in this game must be ravenous and unending. That, or no one ever figured out Germ Theory, or soap...
looking at this again... i realize, the newest child of gaia won't be born for millions of years. depending on how things work in your story, none but discord or celly and luna will ever see the little filly.
Not mention Cadence and Twilight.
Probably.. depends if they are ageless like celly and Lulu in this verse
Considering that the two of them are alicorns as well there’s a very high chance of them being immortal.
Wait, you’re saying that eukaryotes came before prokaryotes? That makes exactly no sense.
You are absolutely right, and no one noticed such flagrant error. Thanks!
I just noticed this spelling error. wouldn't it be Finds A unique stat system?
You are correct! Ficed now. Thanks!
No problem
I think Gaia is one hell of a mother to go through all of that and still love all of her children.
I can only hope that in that 'extra future' Prometheus helps prevent Pallas from making his mistakes now that he's seen what can and will happen to their mother.