Top 10 Best Episodes of MLP: FiM · 10:54pm Sep 20th, 2016
Hey again, guys! I'm still sick, but at least I'm getting better! Anyways folks, I'm going to bring you my top 10 list of my favorite episodes from MLP: FiM. Now, let me explain some things here. I was going to do a top 10 list of the worst EG songs, but I dropped that entirely, due to the fact that there aren't that many songs from the movies left, even though the rest of them are mostly good. Also, it was REALLY hard for me to choose my top 10 favorite episodes, obviously because there are so many good ones, but I did manage to pick out the ones I wanted. So without further ado, let's begin! Remember, this is just my opinion, and spoilers WILL be mentioned, so if you haven't seen any of these episodes, please click away!
10. Wonderbolts Academy - S3E7 Let's start off with not only one of my favorite episodes from the show, but one of my all time FAVORITE Rainbow Dash episodes! Most, or all of you, don't know this, but Dashie's my most favorite pony(out of all characters)! This absolutely beats a f*cking disaster that we got in S6(28 Pranks Later, UGH), but I'm not here to talk about my worst list yet. In this episode, Rainbow Dash finally gets accepted into the Wonderbolts(not officially a member as of this time) and she hopes to do her best in training. With that, I do feel happy for her! Before I go in deeper, I will say that it was both hilarious and sad to see Pinkie Pie checking her mailbox to see if Dashie replied to her letter! Even though it was impossible that she'll no longer remember her best friends, there was always a possibility of her focusing more on her training than her friends. Later on, Rainbow Dash gets paired up with a fellow cadet, named Lightning Dust, and the two immediately become friends. It turns out that she's even more cocky and confident in her abilities than Dash, making Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts, declare Dust a 'lead pony.' It's pretty easy to tell that she's the antagonist of the episode, if you pay close attention, but boy, I ain't a real fan of Lightning Dust. But her characteristics do compare to Dashie's, which make the moral of the episode, and that it's not about pushing yourself as hard as you can, it's about pushing yourself in the right direction. The thing I also really love about this episode is near the end, and I'll get to it. When the rest of the Mane Six fell out of the sky after Lightning Dust thought of creating a tornado to just bust some clouds, this forces Rainbow to fly and save them, and she does. You would expect the dynamic duo to continue busting the clouds, but no, Rainbow really wasn't going to let her friends die! If they actually did, this episode would've been more sad... Another instance of Dashie's loyalty has been tested and it went to good extents! Other than every single flight sequence shown, I just enjoyed the feels that Rainbow Dash was also feeling, whether they were emotionally good or sad! Overall, it's literally a fun flight from start to finish and I will always consider this to be a rewatch.
9. Slice of Life - S5E9 Okay, okay, please put down the pitchforks and torches! Don't kill me! Let me just say that I ADORED this episode like almost everyone else for the same amount of reasons, but the only reason that this isn't higher on the list is because Season 5 got even better as it went on, in my opinion. This episode is literally EVERYTHING the fandom wanted to happen in an episode, a beautiful thank you from Hasbro, and one of those things that become a reality! For the first time, almost all of the popular background characters we've known for years have taken the spotlight, instead of the Mane Six. As much as I love them, I do agree that they need some time off from an episode or at least must get a minor appearance. Now because that there were SO many references and amazing moments that happened, I'd have to say that my favorite ones include Gummy's monologue, Vinyl and Octavia's duet, the wedding, and the scenes between Lyra and Bon Bon(besties ftw). Everyone, or everypony, has a story within their lives, and I agree with that! This was ALMOST perfect and a 10/10 for me, but the only problem that I had was Vinyl Scratch...NOT TALKING!!! If she's supposed to be mute, I'd understand that, but if she finally has a speaking role, pick NOWACKING!!! Thanks M.A. Larson!!!
8. A Hearth's Warming Tail - S6E8 Here, I put one of my two favorite musicals from the show, with the other one being VERY OBVIOUS(it's on the list)!!! The best character in the episode for me, was easily Starlight Glimmer! Like "Hearth's Warming Eve," the main characters are portrayed as fictional characters in a story, with Starlight being an evil pony(nice old reference)who hates the holiday, named Snowfall Frost. I found her to be compelling with the whole witch vibe that she got going! Besides the songs, the storytelling, references, jokes, and holiday mood were all great! It's true that the holidays may not be for everyone, but there should be no reason to hate them. However, in this case, Starlight learns what Hearth's Warming Eve really means and finally decides to celebrate it with everypony in Princess Twilight's castle. This episode did get me in a jolly mood and I hope more holiday episodes like this come out. By the way, Princess Luna's singer here(Aloma Steele)made her sound more badass, and yes, I still love Kazumi Evans!
7. Rarity Takes Manehattan - S4E8 Wow, way to go, Rare! No seriously, next to "Rarity Investigates!," which is tied with this, this is my all time favorite Rarity episode! In Season 4, this is also literally one of the key episodes(for the chest from the premiere). Anyway, there are two main things I REALLY admire that holds this up very high: the setting and Rarity's portrayal! While we have seen or heard of Manehattan in the past, we got a beautiful look at more places in the city. It has a very close and funny resemblance to New York's Manhattan, with Broadway being Bridleway and the Statue of Liberty being a pony instead of a woman! Rarity, on the other hand, was the best character in the episode because of how she took her generosity to the next level, by helping almost everypony around the city and bringing her best friends to several places they've enjoyed themselves. The way she not only had to deal with her unexpected rival, Suri Polomare, and the fact that she overworked her friends was beyond dramatic. I felt what Rarity was feeling after suddenly snapping at her friends, and it was hard for her! Being generous is a great thing, but you shouldn't let that get the best of you, and don't believe that it's everyone for themselves. The song does sum up the entire thing from start to finish and that's another good thing! Rarity may not be everyone's favorite character, but to me, she's generously charmed me enough to make her one of my favorites! A fabulous episode, indeed...
6. Friendship is Magic, Part 1 & 2 - S1E1&2 Funny thing, first, is that these are NOT the very first two episodes I remember watching. I watched these two at a later time, actually. But yeah, there's not much I can really say about the pilot episodes. They're a very nice start to a show that later became phenomenal and popular! The Mane Six coming together for the very first time, the Elements of Harmony, and the story behind Nightmare Moon were all so touching to see that I find this an emotional introduction! Twilight Sparkle would MUCH later become the princess and leader of the Mane Six that we all know and love to this day. It was a satisfying fight between them and Nightmare Moon, thanks to the six obtaining their Elements of Harmony. Everyone needs to make some friends, no matter what your preferences are, and Twilight learned how valuable friendship can be. From then until now, the show has gotten a lot better, despite some horrible bumps along the way...
5. Tanks for the Memories - S5E5 Next to "Wonderbolts Academy," this is my most favorite episode from Rainbow Dash! It was an absolutely emotional ride the entire way through. This shows her trying her hardest to stop winter from coming so her pet tortoise, Tank, can't be able to hibernate. The emotions involved were the best part because the five stages of grief were literally shown from start to finish, with Dashie getting mad at first and then finally giving in at the end... Speaking of that, it was the part that made me cry because it hurts me to see my favorite pony cry over losing something valuable, even like Tank. But, I do have to give Dashie the credit because of the extreme limits she went through to stop winter, which were all followed by some hilarious jokes! Even though Tank comes back eight episodes later, it's still sad for his owner and friends having to say goodbye to him. The song's awesome in every way possible and it's got a great rock feeling to it! Ashleigh Ball is also the best when it comes to Rainbow Dash's emotions, since she can pull off very convincing crying and anger! Not only that the episode is perfect, it will always remind me of why I love Rainbow Dash so much... Losses are a very hard thing to get over, but there's always something to cheer you up...
4. Twilight's Kingdom, Part 1 & 2 - S4E25&26 Holy sh*t, what a way to end off a great season! These are easily my favorite episodes from Princess Twilight for multiple reasons! The best...and most obvious part of this finale is her fight with Tirek at the end. If there's one thing that Twilight's excellent at, it's magic! She not only has the fate of Equestria in her hooves, but she incredibly gets to use the magic of the three other Alicorn princesses. Alone, she faces Tirek who's evenly matched with her, after he has the stolen magic of every other pony in Equestria, including Discord's. Part 1 has a great buildup and backstory to Tirek, who is a badass villain, and Part 2 is when things get very good! A nice, little twist is included as Discord betrays the Mane Six after being sent to confront Tirek, but he reforms himself in the end. Both songs are completely different, but have the same message, and it's that everyone will get their purpose in life, as well as a chance to shine... For the record, the Mane Six's rainbow power and Princess Twilight's castle were completely unexpected, but nonetheless, amazed me! Twilight Sparkle, to me, is almost perfect in every way and seeing her get this far is impressive! She will always be a favorite in my heart, next to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, and she'll always be there for her best friends...
3. Crusaders of the Lost Mark - S5E18 Don't kill me, I mean it!!!!!! Anyways, this is the other musical besides "A Hearth's Warming Tail" that I adored. Everything's perfect...period!!! This marked the 5th Year Anniversary of Friendship is Magic, so Hasbro decided to make this a very special episode. What was the biggest surprise they've given us? That's right, the Cutie Mark Crusaders FINALLY got their cutie marks, and boy, it was about TIME they did!!! Other than this heartwarming moment, literally everything was so good. Another big moment that I was glad about is seeing Diamond Tiara, the CMCs' biggest enemy, reform from her bullying ways! Each song fit each scenario perfectly and the drama involved really added some extra flavor to the episode! I cried during both the prelude and reprise of the song, "We'll Make Our Mark," because it was a very satisfying way to reward the CMCs for all they've accomplished and earned. These little rascals are, without a doubt, adorably awesome! In all that's happened in the episode, destiny can be shared with one another and it always comes, but only either sooner or later. It's safe to say that everything went as planned and the Cutie Mark Crusaders' journey has only begun... But wait, you're probably thinking why this isn't number one on my list, aren't you? Well, like I said before, this list was hard to come up with. I wanted to make this number one so badly, but there are two main reasons why I didn't. One is that while I do love the CMCs very much, I seem to be more connected with the Mane Six rather than them, and the other is that I found two other episodes to be perfect as well...
2. The Mane Attraction - S5E24 I will say that there is a funny pattern for my top 3 episodes, with 3 being an emotional reward, 2 being emotionally beautiful, and 1 to be emotionally crazy!!! This may not be a major musical like the other two on this list, but it's still a great one! Here, we get introduced to a new pony, who's also my absolute favorite from Season 5, and her name is Countess Coloratura, a.k.a. Rara. She's beautiful in every way: her perfect voice by Lena Hall(I've met her :)), her appearances, her musical talents, her personality, and her friendship with Applejack! Speaking of the honest pony, this is her best episode, in my opinion! Applejack honestly wasn't willing to let her friend's manager, Svengallop(I'll get to him later), to turn Rara into a complete, demanding diva, and that by itself is touching! A.J., with the help of her friends, including Rara herself, managed to foil his plans and the night concert was able to go on. You can never go wrong with being true to yourself and hiding behind a mask or veil will reflect your own self-image... "The Magic Inside(I Am Just a Pony)" is simply my most favorite song in the show(I'll get to my other one)because of how beautiful it is, in terms of visuals, orchestration, and Lena's singing! Daniel Ingram has definitely composed a LOT of great songs this season and this one is no exception! Sadly, the writer for this episode, Amy Keating Rogers, has said that this was her last episode for FiM, but she sure did leave us a fantastic one...
1. The Cutie Re-Mark - S5E25&26 Finally, we're at #1!!! What makes these the best episodes on my list? The idea of time traveling...FOR THE FINALE OF A DAMN. GOOD. SEASON. Where do I even begin? First off, Starlight Glimmer is currently the only villain so far to be the main antagonist of both the premiere and finale, so there's an impressive feat right off the bat! These are my favorite episodes, not only from Starlight, but of all time! My connection with the Mane Six grew even more from them because I was fearful of each alternate timeline separating them for good and I didn't want Twilight to lose the one thing that she lives for the most: her best friends! Without Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom, the magic of friendship would be dead... While the battle between Starlight and Twilight may not be AS epic as the battle with Twilight and Tirek, it's still interesting to see a lone unicorn be fairly matched against an Alicorn who's probably studied more magic spells in her whole life! Starlight's reformation was well earned, in my opinion, now that we know what she's been through. The past does become a fatal factor in the future. She replaced Discord for me as my favorite villain because of how insane she is...and she's just ONE unicorn!!! The alternate timelines that I enjoyed seeing were King Sombra's and Nightmare Moon's. A perfect episode as one, a perfect song, a perfect storyline(okay, maybe almost) of Season 5, a perfect premise, a perfect ending, and a perfect way to bring tears to my eyes... Friends will be there for you, all the time, and everywhere... The Mane Six, Spike, and now Starlight, have a very big place in my heart and I will always love them!!! Finally(a funny but dark thing I wanted to say), dat one future with nothing left in Equestria, though...
Well, these are my top 10 favorite episodes of all time and feel free to agree with me or not! This is just MY opinion, by the way. Join me next time when I bring you my list of the absolute WORST episodes that I hate!!!