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Top 10 Equestria Girls Songs(1-4) · 3:35am Sep 12th, 2016

Hey everyone! So, I've decided to make a list of my 10 most favorite songs from each of the four EGs. Yeah, almost everyone else probably has done this before. Unoriginal, I know:rainbowlaugh:... Anyway, let's get to it, shall we?

10. CHS Rally Song - Friendship Games
Ah, if only schools weren't so stupid... But seriously, Rainbow Dash not only wowed the students at CHS, but me too! She sang very inspirational and thoughtful lyrics in order to lift the school spirit and students' spirits, which quite worked! This song is a great example of how you should not give up, not lose focus, and work together to win a competition. Also, I loved the two references to both the Dazzlings and She-Demon during the actual scene. Daniel Ingram and Ashleigh Ball have once again delivered an EG hit! Best pony as human always make me happy:rainbowkiss:!

9. Under Our Spell - Rainbow Rocks
As much as I loved the beat to "Let's Have a Battle(Of The Bands)," the beat for this one is even better, in my opinion. The Dazzlings are easily the best EG villains simply because of their voices, how evil they are, and how they seduce people with their music! This song has amazing visuals in the actual movie, very fluent animation, epic transitions between each band battling each other, and catchy lyrics. Though I've stuck by the Rainbooms' side for quite a long time, it was nice to listen to the enemies sing for a change. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria are ones not to be messed with!

8. Legend of Everfree - Legend of Everfree
No, I haven't either watched the actual movie or listened to the soundtrack early. From the very first trailer we got, I was pumped up from those last couple of seconds because of those few pieces we got for the LoE theme song! I got a great feeling that the Main Six and Sunset Shimmer will be facing, possibly, their hardest challenge yet! These pieces made me feel like a legend, lol:twilightsheepish:, and like I'm actually at camp!

7. Unleash the Magic - Friendship Games
Holy sh**t, where do I even begin??!! First off, this is more of a f**cking ritual than an actual song, but that is what makes the song excellent! The dark atmosphere, Principal Cinch and the Shadowbolts' lyrics, and the drama involved all gave me a chill! Sci-Twi felt so pressured into releasing her obtained magic to the point of death, easily making this the darkest scene in all of Equestria Girls! Great job, Iris Quinn :)!

6. What More is Out There - Friendship Games
What a very emotional and almost, heartstring cutting one... This is Sci-Twi's first song in Friendship Games and it's definitely the most emotional song in EG! I can say that I'm somewhat relatable to her(before leaving CPA): smart, but unwelcome at school, and lonely sometimes. The funny thing is that I can also play this song on guitar and it's a very fun one to jam along to! However, the duet version between Sunset and Sci-Twi is much better, though I still like the solo one. Those two really add to the amount of emotions, tension, and drama in the movie. Both versions do prove that Rebecca Shoichet is one of MLP's best singers, and if not, THE best! And, what a great way to actually end off Act 1 of Friendship Games! This Twilight Sparkle feels a lot different, but similar to our beloved pony princess...

5. Welcome to the Show - Rainbow Rocks
Now for the Top 5! Out of all 4, or 3 movies so far, Rainbow Rocks had the best finale, in my opinion. Yeah, the Rainbooms' arguments were cringe-worthy throughout the entire film, but it was the actual final battle that literally stole the show! Act 1 of the song depicts the Dazzlings feeding off the negativity of our heroes, making their voices stronger, and already adding to the climax! Act 2 shows the Rainbooms' comeback after they recovered, their new rainbow power, and an instrumental battle of the century! Act 3 is the best part because Sunset Shimmer finally steps in to save the day, proving that she has redeemed herself, and so she gets her half-pony form like her friends, creating an Alicorn spirit, thanks to the Magic of Friendship! A satisfying victory, not only for the girls, but in all of movie history. Both the Dazzlings and Rainbooms really gave their musical best in this song, which I still bang my head to!

4. Equestria Girls/Cafeteria Song/Helping Twilight Win The Crown - Equestria Girls
You've all seen this coming, didn't you:pinkiecrazy:? Well, I did! This is not only the best part of the first EG, but it's also the best climax I've ever seen or listened to! The main reason that I really loved this song was because it showed that Princess Twilight was able to turn things around at Canterlot High, despite her struggles as a human being, and she was acting as a symbol of unity, just like Rarity mentioned earlier. Also, this might sound a bit weird, sorry, but I actually found the animations for the Main Six dancing to be kind of...hot. Like my #6 choice, I also found this a fun song to play on guitar! This song also actually brought me memories because I think it was the first MLP song that I ever listened to when I became a brony! The Main Six prove that they can help the students, bring them together, and see a true role model... Catchy beat, lol!

3. Acadeca - Friendship Games
Next to Midnight vs. Daydream, the first round of the Friendship Games is my most favorite part of EG3! Never have I thought that a song in a fictional movie would encourage me to do math and chemistry! Again, this is another fun one that I love to play along to! There's a lot of humorous, motivational, and dramatic moments, such as Pinkie Pie's 'Mona Lisa' cake, almost everyone failing at spelling, the chants between the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts, the lyrics, and most certainly, the ballad between Sunset and Sci-Twi! The Shadowbolts may have taken the win for Round 1, but CHS did have a great run during the academic decathlon...

2. Right There In Front Of Me - Friendship Games
And the runner up on my list is the credits song to EG3! But yeah, what can I say? The title and lyrics are pretty self-explanatory, but those still make the song great! I love it because it gives me a great feeling about finding the things I really need and where they've been all along. Also again, I enjoy playing along to this like #6, 4, & 3! Sunset, Sci-Twi, and the rest of the Main Six all sing really well together and they had awesome & funny moments during the credits' slide show! Every time I listen to this song, I always think about my life in the future and it's just so sentimental... Speaking of sentimental moments...

And my #1 most favorite song in all of Equestria Girls is... Shine Like Rainbows - Rainbow Rocks
I just have one word to describe it: beautiful. Seriously, this is not only an amazing song, but it's also an epic victory theme, and an orchestral masterpiece!!! It may not be a headbanger, destroyer, or screamer, but it has so MANY elements to it!!! The feeling of being with your best friends, singing with them, being in the spotlight, rocking out, and coming together...is just incredible. The best part of the credits to EG2 is when all the Rainbooms look up to the sky while singing because they look so beautiful with the sun shining on them, they are honoring their hard earned victory, and it feels like they were reaching out to Princess Twilight after she went back to Equestria. The visuals, instrumentations, the choir addition, everything in this song is just perfect, and this is all why this song's my absolute favorite from all EGs!!!

So, this was my list. I hope you can all understand the choices I've put on it and if not, that's fine :)! This is just my opinion, and you can feel freeagree or disagree with me all you want. Next time, I'm making a list of my top 10 WORST EG songs, so stay tuned for that! Well, bye for now:twilightsmile:! I hate school...

Report ThePegaKris · 110 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Yes i agree with some of your list not all but this is your opinions not mine. But you have picked a few of the best on my list :pinkiehappy:

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