• Member Since 4th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 11th, 2024

Garuda IV

Easy-going brony trying his hand at writing.

More Blog Posts5

  • 368 weeks
    500 and Growing

    Thank you, everyone. Thanks to the support that all of you have shown, Of Heaven and Earth has reached its 500th like, and there is still much of the story yet to come. I know that it has its flaws, despite my best efforts, but despite them, you still found it enjoyable anyways. It pleases me greatly to know how much you all appreciate and support this story, and hopefully I'll continue to

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    6 comments · 950 views
  • 413 weeks
    It's Almost Here

    Around this time tomorrow, I plan on releasing my new story Of Heaven and Earth. When it comes out, I'll be releasing the first two chapters at the same time as there's a two year time gap between the first and second chapters. I should also mention that the first few chapters will be following Twilight until the main character makes his actual appearance (I know that it's not how it's

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    7 comments · 1,017 views
  • 414 weeks

    Over a year has passed since Of Flame and Shadow was first released, and I can't thank everyone enough for their support for this story. While it did start off with a very, very rough start, thanks to everyone's support, I managed to continue it and watch it grow into a story that so many can enjoy. But now, the story has ended, but it's not quite over.

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    9 comments · 898 views
  • 439 weeks
    Back on Track

    After over a week of going through the entire story and fixing numerous spelling errors and other typos, I am happy to say that I'm finally done, so those who want to go back and read it again will find it a lot better than before. With that said, I can continue on putting new chapters out for you guys, so expect the next one to be released by Friday.:pinkiehappy:

    1 comments · 418 views
  • 440 weeks
    Overdue Corrections

    I decided to take a look at some of my earliest chapter, and now that I have, I can say that I'm rather disappointed in myself with how many errors I've left. So, with that said, for the next week or two, I'll be taking time to go back and properly fix these mistakes. However, this'll also mean that there won't be any new chapters until I'm finished. I'm sorry about this delay, and I'll try to

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    1 comments · 471 views

Overdue Corrections · 6:19am Sep 6th, 2016

I decided to take a look at some of my earliest chapter, and now that I have, I can say that I'm rather disappointed in myself with how many errors I've left. So, with that said, for the next week or two, I'll be taking time to go back and properly fix these mistakes. However, this'll also mean that there won't be any new chapters until I'm finished. I'm sorry about this delay, and I'll try to work as quickly and effectively as I can to fix this and get back into releasing new chapters for everyone.

Report Garuda IV · 471 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

At the rate you manage to produce chapters, I don't think there's anything you need to apologise for!

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