• Member Since 14th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


'Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?'

More Blog Posts191

  • 11 weeks
    New Story - "Beneath a Sea of Blood"

    After four long years of work, the first installment of a big, World War 2 pony story has finally been posted!

    Beneath a Sea of Blood

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  • 11 weeks
    '500 - Internal Server Error'

    I've been trying to post a new story on the site for the past day, but whenever I click the 'create story' button, I keep getting the, '500 - Internal Server Error'. Has anyone else who's been creating stories lately encountered this problem? And if you were able to get around it, how did you do so?

    3 comments · 62 views
  • 13 weeks
    Next Week...

    In a world at war, the fate of Equestria will not be decided in the trenches, nor in the air, but upon the blood-soaked seas.

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    1 comments · 67 views
  • 62 weeks
    If you work near a bread slicer...

    ... be sure to wear cut-resistant gloves. Slicing your finger open on rapidly-moving blades is not a fun experience, nor is cleaning the wound afterwords. Safety regulations are there for a reason! I'm lucky that I still have an intact finger, and that it'll be healed up fully within a month, but that's something I hope none of you ever have to experience.

    1 comments · 171 views
  • 85 weeks
    Updates and a question

    Hi everyone. Figured I'd post a little update about what's happening in case anyone's still following me. With the assistance and advice of resident Navy sailor Kaipony, I've been working for several months now on an a three-book, alternate-history World War Two naval saga that pits Celestia and Equestria against Nightmare Moon and her allies. But unlike my previous stories, which were written,

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    2 comments · 189 views

Writing to-do list (updated 10/13/19) · 4:32am Aug 26th, 2016

Now that The Monster Below: Nightfall is complete, I thought I'd put up a list of writing projects I have in the pipeline, so that none of them slip out of my memory. At this point my primary focus is on getting The Monster Below revised and ready to be published (still quite a ways off), and doing a few one-shot stories. Doing novels is fun, but it'd be nice to do one or, at most, two-chapter stories that don't take years to complete.

This list is subject to change based on muses, ideas, losing interest, and other unknowns.

To Do:

1. Revise and publish The Monster Below: Sunfall (In progress)

2. Celestia gets tired of everyone's s***.

3. Twilight post-coronation one-shot.

4. Outer space one-shot.

5. Self-indulgent grand finale story.

Comments ( 5 )

Who's Nightmare Star?

Princess Celestia's evil/insane form; also known as Solar Flare.

4172565 Ohhh. I've heard of Solar Flare, but I never heard the name Nightmare Star used for her before.

I'll post a blog when we reach various milestones (50% done, 75% done, etc.) I revised chapter 8 today and submitted it for editing, so we're about 28% of the way there.

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